If elk weren’t on the menu, I suggest an AR-15 chambered in 6.5 Grendel or 6.8 SPC. I built one for my son in 6.8 and he shot his first deer with it when he was 10. He’s since shot 3 more with that rifle and I’ve been really impressed with how well it performs on deer sized game. I think the AR platform is perfect for kids. I went with a 16” barrel and collapsible stock. It’s really lightweight, adjustable for small shooters, and there is practically no recoil at all. It’s a deer slayer for sure out to 2 or 3 hundred yards. While I do hear guys taking elk with both 6.8 SPC and 6.5 Grendel, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with it. I put together a nice little Savage Lightweght Hunter in a Boyd’s laminate stock, chambered in 6.5 creedmoor. My son took his first elk with it just a couple weeks ago. 196 yard shot on a cow and it anchored her right there, one shot.
I guess it depends on how recoil shy she is. If she can shoot something like a creed or 7mm-08 or similar, then by all means, that’s the best route. But, if she’s flinching bad and it’s too much recoil, look at an AR option in 6.8SPC or 6.5 Grendel.
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