Best Rechargeable Headlamp

I used the nitecore HC68 this year and it served my needs well. I did cut off the top strap and haven't missed it at all. Very good red lights (high/low) and plenty bright white lights for all kinds of varying activities. I also love I can adjust the spot and flood beams however I prefer. Battery life is good and can be replaced as needed.
Not sure if this one was mentioned since I didn't read the whole thread, but the thread on new gear talked about a PEAX headlamp. I ordered 2 but they haven't arrived yet, but the reviews look good.
buy one of these for $21
mine continues to work flawlessly


Also buy one with the red/white lights while you’re ordering.

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Been using a couple nitecore nu20 and they work great and weigh nothing. Just picked up the nu25 ul which also has the red light and now usb c charging port so I can carry one less cord.
I personally prefer cap lights, for me a streamlight bandit was my go to, second was a Claymore . The streamlight is extremely small and lightweight and you can choose secondary colors ( green/red)
I tried out the Peax this year and was very very happy with it. Got very bright with red and white and I used that thing a lot over 4-5 days without needing to recharge.
+1 on PEAX. I wanted a headlamp that was compact, and had a significant red beam. The PEAX by far has the brightest red (adjustable too) that I have used. Only used it this season, but I'm very happy with it thus far. Rechargeable too. This is a plus since I tend to carry a battery pack more and more these days.
I have been using the Petzl Actik Core headlamp and am very happy with it. I walk with the red lamp quite a bit when coyote hunting and then kick on the very bright white light to find them when they are rolled up in the brush.

Also buy one with the red/white lights while you’re ordering.

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I used a very similar headlamp from Amazon this season. It was the “sofirn Headlamp, 1200 Lumen Rechargeable Headlamp Flashlight with Bright SST40 LED” on Amazon. I was very interested in the Peaks but did a bunch of research and found this option for ~$30. It did great in Montana from Sept-November. Had it head to head with the Peak and this one was a fraction brighter. I doubt the battery and materials are as good as the Peak light. I had a backup as I was worried about the quality and didn’t want to be left in the dark, but no issue after one hunting full season. It didn’t have red though which might be an issue for some.
NU 25. With UL headband it is 1.0 oz…does not get better if weight is a major concern. 360 lumens.

Great for whitetail. I would use it on a western hunt if I knew I did not need to do a lot of serious off-piste navigation at night.

Also use it on remote, lengthy canoe trips in Canada.
I have used Nitecore lights for about 10 years. Some of my batteries that still hold a charge and run time are that old.

To have a simple system my head lamp and flashlight use same 18650 batteries.

I'll carry 2-4 extra batteries. I've been using a nitecore HC60 headlamp 900 lumens, flashlight 900 lumens.
The new peax duo is supposed to be awesome. I might get one.

I’ve rocked a Petzl actik core for 4 years. It’s worked well for me. I carry 1 power source and charge my headlamp and phone off of it.
Get a Fenix Headlamp.

They are a bit more expensive but you get what you pay for. I've never had a Headlamp so bright and reliable.

Hm50r is what I have.