Best non custom mountain rifle

I'm at the other end of the spectrum. I have a kimber .308 and it sits In the safe mostly. The 9lb 7mag has been too deadly for me to say no. So I saved weight elsewhere.
I guess it depends if the fluting is the same length on the standard barrel lengths of 22 7/16 as your mag barrel. If it is and you could only get 2 inches off then wouldn't make sense that you couldn't get any off the 22 7/16? Think I will have to run to cabelas and check them out. I heard the 308 in Super Lite weighs closer to 5 3/4 pounds so 2 inches off and I should be good.
I just measured my 7mm Rem Mag superlight barrel and 2 1/2" could come off and not be near the fluting at all (hmmm, food for thought)
I'm surprised that so many people have a problem with the Tikka stocks. While they obviously aren't a McMillan, they do work extremely well. I personally don't see much of a difference between them and a factory Remington or Savage stock. None of them are top quality.

before labeling the Tikka stock "Tupperware" cut a slice off the butt end and look at the filings from the saw then look at your saw blade - they ain't "plastic"
If price and performance is in the mix it will be nearly impossible to be the Tikka's and Howa's. Both excellent guns and very accurate with no aftermarket work. The Weatherby Vanguards are a Howa action as well as some others. Every Howa I have shot was sub MOA. With some load workup they are even better.
Not really a custom gun as all I had done to it gunsmith wise was bore out a 270 Montana to a 338-06 then add some lighter weight parts here and there. Not aftermarket barrel, stock, action or bolt.

6.1 pounds with a 17 oz VX-6 2-12X42 on it:

4 pounds 14 oz bare rifle:
50 rounds down the pipe groups were with the highest load I worked up with 210 sciroccos and 225 accubonds...neither showed pressure so need to keep loading higher ;)...both top loads in those were under an inch which is plenty good for the ranges I hunt as is.
Luke, the bolt on that Montana looks like the skeletonized version found on the Mountain Ascent. Did you have that trimmed some or do the Kimbers swap pretty easy? Maybe I am seeing things, too....
I bought the bolt from a guy that makes them and sells them on another forum. It's skeltonized titianium bolt made to look like a mountain ascent bolt only lighter cause they are titianium :)
Luke what do your plan on using that for? Bear and moose? Gun looks very nice by the way. Also if you don mind me asking what did the rebore run you?
Luke what do your plan on using that for? Bear and moose? Gun looks very nice by the way. Also if you don mind me asking what did the rebore run you?

The rebore and cut down from 24" to 21" barrel all up cost me $275.

As for what I will use it for...just depends. I think to keep things fair for my 308 and so it won't get jealous I think the 308 will get used on sheep, deer, and caribou hunts while the 338-06 will be used for black and brown bear hunts and mountain goat hunts as well.

Yeah and hopefully elk someday! ;)