Best lightweight e-caller?

Mar 20, 2019
So I’m thinking I want to try to learn how to hunt mountain lions on foot without dogs (since we can’t use dogs here). Starting out my plan is cruise roads on snowmobile, hope to cut a fresh track, follow it and see what I can make happen.
I’d say it’s a good chance of following a track into a good area to set up and call so I’ll be packing an e caller with me, the main reason I like the e caller is just the variety of sounds. I’ve got a foxpro shockwave and I love that thing. But it’s huge and heavy to be lugging around in my pack through the snow for god knows how far.
So out of the smaller and lighter sized callers, does anyone have any reviews on which ones pump out the volume without completely sacrificing sound quality?

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It's pricey-ish for what you're getting... but that little handheld mini PocketPrey micro eCaller has really surprised me in terms of it's effectiveness. But you are holding it in your hand so you can vary it's angle to create the illusion of realism, so you gotta be ready to perform a quick raising up of your rifle or shotgun as you then drop it onto your lap when they show up and it's go-time. But that also makes it exciting!

Not only that it calls-in Rabbits too when played at lower volume. The same company now makes one that does 3 different calls in a similarly sized device. Just runs of a 9v battery. Mine, the original does this sorta baby rabbit style of distress call. Anytime my lungs are feeling choked up from a cold, or from pollens and stuff, and don't feel like blowing I'll try this first, if I'm not primarily going out for Coyotes, I'll just carry it and a few hand calls just so I have an option to try if the days outing for another game species proves unfruitful so it gives me the option to always give predator calling a try on any outing. When not carrying the fullblown FoxPro X24.

This pic was an example of that. Was doing some last minute glassing/scouting the week before deer season. ON way in in the morning saw some nice JackRabbits come out onto the road due to my headlights, so made note of the location with the idea of trying it on my way back out of there. Was maybe like....1p or 2p I think when she came in to the caller? You just definitely gotta be ready and on-point to be hyper attentive to your surroundings before you press play. This caller only plays-back the higher parts of the frequencies since it's emulating that baby-rabbit, as a result the speaker doesn't need to be big and it can be quite piercing to your ears if you point it at yourself close-up at high volume. Seems like that high-pitched squeal really pierces thru and gets to their hearing well... since they hear all the way up to 44Khz instead of the 22Khz humans max out at hearing.

Anyhoo... definitely an option to consider, if only for the extreme portability factor alone.
I’ve got a FoxPro wildfire. Had it for a very long time. Just yesterday I saw a FoxPro Patriot, same size but the patriot remote is far better than mine (has actual buttons, mine are just raised bumps that are hard to use with gloves) but the size of that call fits in the side pouch of my pack. Unlike these damn near boom boxes they have out now. That call has traveled an uncountable number of boot miles and is still kicking.
I’ve got a FoxPro wildfire. Had it for a very long time. Just yesterday I saw a FoxPro Patriot, same size but the patriot remote is far better than mine (has actual buttons, mine are just raised bumps that are hard to use with gloves) but the size of that call fits in the side pouch of my pack. Unlike these damn near boom boxes they have out now. That call has traveled an uncountable number of boot miles and is still kicking.

Right on, I think I saw one of those patriots for sale at the local sporting goods store the other day. I might have to give it a shot. Thanks.

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One I saw was 160. Way cheaper than I bought mine for over 10 years ago. I considered buying it just to have another one!
I’ve got a FoxPro wildfire. Had it for a very long time. Just yesterday I saw a FoxPro Patriot, same size but the patriot remote is far better than mine (has actual buttons, mine are just raised bumps that are hard to use with gloves) but the size of that call fits in the side pouch of my pack. Unlike these damn near boom boxes they have out now. That call has traveled an uncountable number of boot miles and is still kicking.
I second this. I have same call but it’s the old Cabelas outfitter series from FoxPro. It rides in the bottom of my pack all season. I have it in case I run into a pack of wolves.
Right on, I think I saw one of those patriots for sale at the local sporting goods store the other day. I might have to give it a shot. Thanks.

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I have had good luck with the Foxpro Wildfire as well. Had it for years and never a problem.