Best handheld radio?


Jan 20, 2023
What’s a really good handheld radio for spot and stalk? Was on a hunt this weekend and the radios I had suck. Something that reaches far but it also clear
Baofeng UV-9G. $90 a pair on Amazon last I looked. I spent a lot of time researching this a couple years ago. Waterproof(not resistant), great range, priced reasonably. Only caveat is you have to be a little technical to get them set up(YouTube is great.). But overall these are a huge step up in range over ANYTHING you will find at Cabela’s, sportsmans, etc.
Baofeng UV-9G. $90 a pair on Amazon last I looked. I spent a lot of time researching this a couple years ago. Waterproof(not resistant), great range, priced reasonably. Only caveat is you have to be a little technical to get them set up(YouTube is great.). But overall these are a huge step up in range over ANYTHING you will find at Cabela’s, sportsmans, etc.
My boss let me borrow some of his baofengs once but like you said they weren’t working right. And I couldn’t get them to. Wouldn’t work with the earphones
Kenwood ProTalk TK-3402 U16P (Discontinued but replaced with

Kenwood NX-P1300AU)

Full 5 watt. Powerful with great coverage. Rechargeable Li batts with simple chargers for home or auto. Batteries are also removeable so spares can be thrown in a backpack (I've never run out of juice in a single day)
Bought my first pair from '' about 2010. I have added three more since then, all programmed the same. They will keep your program profile on file so all future radios added to the group can be programmed for free from them. Nothing fancy on the available channels so kids & wives can use them without getting lost in the programming.
They have been bomb proof. Used very hard 4 wheelin', hunting, atv use.
All my neighbors on my mountain have the same radios all programmed the same for emergencies, forest fires, hunting etc. My hunting buddies have them and my family as well for emergencies, trips where cell phone coverage is non-existent.
They have been replaced with a current model. They are probably about $300 each now. I got tired of buying those bubble packaged Motorola junk that lasts about six months.
I bought the Baofang uv-82hp and they have performed much better than my Motorola's. I was within a few miles of the person I was communicating with and they were behind a ridge, but not in canyon country.
Interested in opinions on radios as well. Maybe looking for 4-5 of them while camping and driving.
What’s a really good handheld radio for spot and stalk? Was on a hunt this weekend and the radios I had suck. Something that reaches far but it also clear
Are you listening to music while you hunt? I personally like large shoulder mounted boom box's 😜
I assume you are referring to "walkie-talkies" ---- Motorola has always been the "standard" but it depends on how large of a unit you are looking to carry---- walkie's (like anything that broadcasts a signal) has limits to how far you can broadcast before the gvt steps In and has regulations
Small hand-held 2 wsy radios are the least -- cb's amd uhf are next (they do sell handheld cb's)-- then comes ham radio and gmrs (you need a license and call sign for that)

How far can Walkie Talkies Reach? Walkie Talkie Range Explained - xRoadGPS

Thinking how far can walkie talkies reach? Look nowhere else. This article will give all the info you need about walkie talkie ranges!
In a nutshell you want to look at the "power output" and get the highest output you can find
How far do you want to broadcast/receive?
Baofeng looks appealing for the price. I’m wondering about longevity.
Do Yaesu/Icom offer a GMRS radio? Thanks.
I would personally stay away from Baofengs. I’ve had bad luck and other people I know did too.
Anyone ever tried the RUGGED handheld two way radios? We use the intercoms for racing in our UTV’s but never tried the handhelds.
Terrain dictates.

Rockie Talkie worked great for us but ya gotta realize how to work the terrain in your favor.

No frills radio but it’s hardy and good rechargeable battery

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Motorola CP 200D

Radio can be programmed for both, digital and analog signal, along with high and low powered transmission.
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Baofengs had their power decreased greatly last year, the ones you could order on Amazon 4 years ago were twice as powerful but then the FCC caught on and made them change the power settings before they could imported, so I’d personally stay away from them now. If you’re serious about your 2-way communication, digital radios are the way to go but get ready to go down a rabbit hole
Look into the tyt-88 the GMRS channels offer 5 watt channels (vs the 2 watt FRS that overlap with GMRS). Be aware a license is required for use. No test just a license. The license covers you and your family.