BEST Buck Photo Contest 2016- Sposored by Kryptek

Here is my 2016 mule deer. Having grown up in NM hunting deer and antelope regularly, as well as dove, quail, and a lot of calling and trapping coyotes I have had roughly a 10 year hiatus from hunting due mostly to moving around for work, starting a family, and just life getting in the way. I have been invigorated lately due to this website and a few podcasts. I trained with sand in a backpack here as well as I could in Illinois, made the 21 hour drive and packed in with my best friend. I know this guy isn't a monster but he's a special one for me. First backpack hunt, first above timberline hunt, first Colorado hunt. This lit the fire for me on hunting again, I am grateful for the members of this forum and look forward to more adventures in the future.

Photo note: the add at the right cuts off part of the picture, click on the photo and you can see the entire image.

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My 2016 WY highcountry Buck


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Here's a California buck to add to the success thread. He's a 3x3 with nice eye guards and a 26" inside spread. Not bad for a OTC zone that gets hammered every year.

Extra credit for getting deer balls in the picture? haha. I'm not a very good photographer.
Figured I'd add a couple more 2016 bucks to the thread. My wife's opening day OTC buck

And my little sisters opening day controlled hunt buck, her first.

Here's a picture of the first of many from Wyoming! I had a blast and am completely hooked! They only get bigger from here!
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Colorado buck

Here's my Co. muzzeloader buck.
It was a solo backpack hunt. hiked up the mountion 4 1/2 miles ,camped at 12,100'.
My pack weighted 108 lbs.when I made it back to truck, took the deer and camp all out in one trip .
I thank the Lord for his many blessings .


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Here is my 2016 ID general OTC buck. Thank you so much to the sponsors of this photo contest. The pictures are incredible! Good work everyone!

My 2016 muley from my first DIY public land muley hunt. First time we went without a more experienced hunter or guide to steer us in the right direction, not first muley hunt. I even wore Kryptek camo, Dalibor II jacket and pants. The vest is an old Russel APXG2 in mossy oak brush, I like to use a different pattern if I wear a vest to help further break up my outline. The lower link is to the full size photobucket pic, looks better than the first one. The bottom pic isn't from this year, but is my best muley and a cool pic I figured I'd share.

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Love this pic, the grin says it all! If this one doesn't win a some kind of prize, well...

thank you sir! It was an awesome say to day the least. However I must say this pic will forever be one of my favorites. That's my granpa with my little sister, idono that I've ever seen him smile that big let alone get a picture of it! And if it weren't for him taking me hunting as a youngster who knows where I'd be today...
I hope to add to this more later in the year as I love hunting the late season. This was a general hunt, pictures are tough when you're solo and I learned that I need to be better about paying attention to my ISO. The hunt itself was pretty awesome I've never seen so many deer in my life! It was tough being a trigger happy guy like myself but I held out and blew a stalk on a great buck I rebounded and got this buck. I'm so happy I made it out heathy and learned some new tricks I'll be employing from now on! One buck I got within 8 yards using Travis's Rimrock stalker!

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