2024 Best Mule Deer Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Kryptek

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Here's my 2024 Idaho buck taken on November 15th. As it got light I spotted this buck with another keeping close tabs on a doe at 600 yards. It was one of those mornings during November that seemed as though a switch had been flipped, the rut was in full swing! He took off down the hill and I lost track of him, "I might get a closer shot" I thought, I began trying to relocate him. As my head was in my glass I heard something and caught movement out of my peripheral, Buck! 10 yards underneath me, at that moment he caught my wind bounding off. I had just enough time to recognize him as I reached for my rifle and chambered a round. I gave him a Merrpp! He made that critical mistake mule deer get known for and it was over. That escalated quickly!
Entry deadline was Dec 10, but silly me forgot to set a reminder to lock the thread!

It's locked now, we'll let the late entries know that they're eligible for next years!

Voting will start soon
Update, nearly a deadlock getting the last few images into the top 10. So this is gonna take a few more days.
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