Yesterday, I was at Cabelas and had an opportunity to compare four pairs of bins all in the $1K range, outdoors in the fading light of dusk. Things were very slow, and the salesperson came outside with me to compare them. We had the Cabelas Instinct Euro (Meopta), the Nikon Monarch HG, the Vortex Razor and the Leica Trinovid HD. The only pair missing were the Conquest HD's (which I went there to buy) but I have looked through them plenty of times, so I feel I can rank them among the other four pretty easily.
To MY eyes and hands, the Leicas were the winner. Ergonomics were head and shoulders above the rest, and the image was just flawless. The Conquests are a close 2nd to the Leicas and I would be happy with either quite frankly. The Leicas are just a tad bit more compact, smoother to focus and quicker to point.
The Nikon HG's were tied with the Cabelas Meopta's for third, mostly due to the feel and function and brightness not quite up to the Leica/Zeiss standard. But both are still very good.
The Razors came in last, mostly because the body didn't feel that good in the hand compared to the Leicas or Zeiss, and for whatever reason, I could never quite get the diopter set correctly on the Razors. Every time I thought I had it, it was off again. I think the right barrel on those was just soft in general, indicating a QC issue (which didn't surprise me on a pair of bins made in China).
So that was my ranking for $1K bins:
Leica Trinovid HD
Zeiss Conquest HD
Nikon Monarch HG / Cabelas Meoptas
Vortex Razor HD