Best arrow setup for whitetail

I shoot a 29” at 68#. Easton Axis 300 with 75 grains of brass. AAE max stealth, nocturnal and 100 gr muzzy trocar.
I'm in the heavy arrow camp and shoot one arrow for all game.
70 pounds, 300 spine full size carbon, 100 gr. brass insert, 175 VPA 3 blade
615 total grains, 17% FOC
They're very slow, but I've got a rangefinder and slider sight that negates that.
I shoot the same arrow from my compound for any critter because it's accurate, quiet and I have confidence in it. I figure if it kills elk, it will kill a deer or a hog or small game.

I probably shoot a little on the heavy side (525gr with 125gr Vipertrick bh) but I don't shoot a heavy draw weight compound or long range.

My recurve arrow is very similar in weight but different broadhead.
I’m shooting a 60# Hoyt with Beman ICS arrows with 400 spine @ 28.75”.

Total arrow weight with fixed broadhead (G5 I think) of 400 grains.
Late to the party... I used Easton dangerous game fmjs just because of how quiet they shot. I’m shooting a little heavier and longer than most of you but it shot really quiet and shot three old does without any jumping the string
I would go heavy, I have too many bow/arrow weight configurations in my shop to go over but I used the same arrow on a whitetail this year that I built specifically for elk and its exit went through the leg bone like it wasn’t there.....stuck in the ground 3-4 inches.
Hey all,

I have a question about a new build. I am looking to put 250 grains up front and did not know if there was an impact/lateral strength difference. Like, 75 grain insert, 25 grain collar, and 150 grain broadhead vs 50/25/175 or 15/10/225? Thanks.
I'm using 300 spine Gold Tip Hunter XT arrows with 100 gr. Grim Reaper Whitetail Special heads and about 50 gr. inserts. I think my total arrow weight is around 450 grain. Honestly, I think I'm heavier than I need to be, but I was using this set up for elk (with different broadheads) and didn't want to change things up right before deer season.
Here are my specs

28.5" DL
29" Black Eagle Zombie Slayer 350 Spine
42 Grain Brass Insert
100 Grain Broadhead

With everything else like vanes and lighted nock the arrow weighs in at 415 Grains. I am a whitetail guy and just shot my first ever deer with this setup. It zipped right through him. For me this arrow flies great. I don't know what my FOC is(Will be calculating shortly). Am happy with how everything shoots and won't be switching unless I run into issues. (Which I don't see happening)