Berger Long Range Hybrid Target for hunting

Jul 21, 2015
I’ve personally killed 16-17 big game animals with the 25 cal 135 LRHT and my buddy has killed probably another dozen with his 25 saum I put together for him. All pretty much bang flop. Distances from 100 yards to 900 and game consisted of Antelope, Deer, sheep, mountain goat, elk, bear, and wolves . They work very well in the 25 cal and I can’t imagine the 6.5 144’s would be much different. We hunt with them out of the box, don’t trim the meplat. If anything, just ensure the cavity is clear with a wire bit.
Jun 18, 2019
Can I resurrect this thread? I was gifted a bucket of 6mm 105gr VLD Target bullets, about 990ct. I'm more of a hunter, not so much a shooter. I was going to try and trade these for some hunting bullets, or maybe sell them and then purchase hunting bullets. After reading this thread, I'm wondering would these bullets be suitable for deer out of my .243 Win?
I would not use the VLD target bullets myself. Hybrid targets, yes.