Bergara Crest Carbon


May 3, 2020
Does anyone know about how long till we see the new offerings from Bergara in stores? The new Crest Carbon looks like an awesome hunting rifle.
I picked one up awhile back, have put many rounds through it and cannot get it to group, tried dozens of seating depths, ammo, etc. I can group 2-3 and then it will throw a 2-3" flyer, bought it for a sheep hunt and won't be able to use it as I can't trust it, pretty disappointed. I will be sending it back to bergara in hopes they can find the problem or provide a new rifle. Feels great...just doesn't shoot
i have the regular crest in 308. just glass bedded it. love the rifle, but its been a little inconsistant. got some good loads it likes but i get the flyers too as mentioned above. before the bedding job, its a solid 1.25-1.5" gun. i hope the bedded action helps. before i bedded it i found that hardly any of the recoil lug was touching the stock. soild contact now.
I bedded the action as well and did not get the results I was after. Sure shooting 1" MOA is fine at 100 but this should be a 1000yd gun and hope I can get it figured out!
I picked one up awhile back, have put many rounds through it and cannot get it to group, tried dozens of seating depths, ammo, etc. I can group 2-3 and then it will throw a 2-3" flyer, bought it for a sheep hunt and won't be able to use it as I can't trust it, pretty disappointed. I will be sending it back to bergara in hopes they can find the problem or provide a new rifle. Feels great...just doesn't shoot

I had the exact same thing happen to me! I sent it back to and they current have it. I have a feeling I’ll be selling it.
Does anyone know about how long till we see the new offerings from Bergara in stores? The new Crest Carbon looks like an awesome hunting rifle.
Just picked one up and it seems awesome. But seeing everyone else comment has me worried.
I bought the steel barrel version in 7 PRC and it’s a shooter. Pretty happy with it.
Good to know. So far I am happy with the carbon version but haven’t gotten to really test it out at the range. Did just kill an elk at 540 yards in Colorado though.
The extra cost for less than a .5lb of weight savings wasn't worth it to me. I'll toss a Proof or something similar on whenever I shoot out the current steel barrel.
I have the crest carbon 7prc. Same issues as everyone else. Could not get it to group with 3 different factory rounds and then even reloads. Sent it back. They said the cleaned and tighten down screws. And shot Norma bondstrike through it at .5 in group. Haven’t shot that ammo but other ammo still isn’t working. Kind of disappointing.