Not too up on the beretta sxs models, I helped a friend value one a few years ago that was similarly engraved, but that was a mid 1960’s gun and a 12ga. Those were selling for $500 or so as of 2010ish. It could help to have a good picture of the marks on the water table and barrel flats, inside FE as well as full closeup of any lettering on barrels, etc. Thats often where choke info, etc is as well. Usually there’ll be shell length, bore diameter in mm, and often a code for chokes (stars? Cant recall for the old berettas)
Based on the dowel/plug visible in the picture of the action, that looks to have had the stock pinned at some point. If done well that may not be an issue, but could help to have some photos handy of the other side, as well as to show if there is any cracking behind the tangs.