Considering the broad range of opinions on what constitutes being fit, what are your benchmarks that everyone should have and what it takes in your eyes to be considered an overall machine?
Watching tour de france I see un-athletic weaklings and watching bodybuilders I see 'all show and no go' types of guys. Verbatim from memory of an article by one of the popular crossfitters(Josh Everett?) he stated that he'd like to be considered fast and strong regardless if it's a marathon, football game, bar fight, etc. This definition of fitness is not quantifiable so lets hear your measurement of fitness.
My rubric would probably involve the following:
5k run to show endurance and is a common denominator for the endurance folks
Overhead squat for core strength and flexibility
Crossfit's Grace(30 reps of clean and jerks at 135# for time) for the ability to exert much energy in a short time frame
Vertical jump since it is probably the best indicator of athleticism and agility
Bench Press reps at body weight as bench is the standard for the 'lift in front of the mirror @ golds gym' guys
Ruck sun up to sun down to show you can keep on the move
Watching tour de france I see un-athletic weaklings and watching bodybuilders I see 'all show and no go' types of guys. Verbatim from memory of an article by one of the popular crossfitters(Josh Everett?) he stated that he'd like to be considered fast and strong regardless if it's a marathon, football game, bar fight, etc. This definition of fitness is not quantifiable so lets hear your measurement of fitness.
My rubric would probably involve the following:
5k run to show endurance and is a common denominator for the endurance folks
Overhead squat for core strength and flexibility
Crossfit's Grace(30 reps of clean and jerks at 135# for time) for the ability to exert much energy in a short time frame
Vertical jump since it is probably the best indicator of athleticism and agility
Bench Press reps at body weight as bench is the standard for the 'lift in front of the mirror @ golds gym' guys
Ruck sun up to sun down to show you can keep on the move