Benchmade Osborne 940...what am I missing?

Feb 3, 2014
Boundary Co. Idaho
There are a handful of Nife Nerds on here. I've never owned a Benchmade Osborne. I watched a few YT videos. It's stood the test of two decades so far and is still selling. What am I missing? What's it do that others don't? What makes it so special?

And please don't give me an Unboxing type reply. Or a "it handles meal prep in the kitchen very well" It's a knife. I expect all of them to cut an apple, or trim fat off a steak. Geeesh.

Of the probably 100+ knives I own....this year I tossed a Bugout in my pocket the day I tagged out on a Whitetail. I had a Benchmade Canyon??? in my pack as a backup knife. I found the Bugout....small. Wasn't terribly impressed with edge retention. I don't know.....sure it's a great EDC. But really....what knife ISNT? If it holds and edge and fits in your pocket....what else does it need to do?

I don't think I've ever broken a knife tip. But I don't use them as screwdrivers either. A Spyderco PM2 gets a ton of pocket time. Would it have processed a deer better? The tip would have been more handy gutting for sure. Maybe much more belly across the whole edge too.

I am certain I could have chosen a better folder completely built for deer break down. But I didn't.

I added burnt bronze scales to my Bugout. Love the look and thin-ness. And for the first time...I actually left it in the gut pile. But I spent a day off recovering my aching joints and bones....and did a 3 hour round trip drive and 3 mile loop to hike back in to the gut pile and retrieve it. Birds and Coyotes cleaned everything...but my knife was right where I left it!! And it's back home and cleaned up

Again....what am I missing in a 940?
Honestly? Guys like it. If it sells benchmade is going to keep making it. 90% of knife guys are peeling apples and cutting open amazon packages. As long as it stands up to that, guys just want what they like best. It's light, small, sleek, looks cool, and does what it's supposed to- what else do you want in an EDC knife
I've had one in s30v for over a decade. Has a longer blade but it's sleek design doesn't feel that way in the pocket. It cleaned a bunch of animals until I converted over to the scalpel handle.

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The 940 and bugout are both knives I have carried a lot. There is something just something special about the 940. Blade geometry, ergonomics whatever it is Osborne nailed it. The the bugout also a damn fine knife. I think the bugout has a better blade shape for field dressing as long as you are careful with it. The 940 just dose not have the same belly to it, but it is a stouter knife both in blade thickness at the tip and at the pivot. You can’t go wrong with either. For what is worth I have gutted deer and elk with both and prefer the bugout. It is easier to clean, rides great in the pocket and it is going to hurt less if I loose it.
I’ve had my Osborne a long time. Never knew there was a “hype” to it, and never compared it to others, when I bought it. But if I ever lost it, I’d probably buy another, even though I own and use different Pyrhanta styles.
I’ve had my Osborne a long time. Never knew there was a “hype” to it, and never compared it to others, when I bought it. But if I ever lost it, I’d probably buy another, even though I own and use different Pyrhanta styles.
Make that Havalon styles.
There are a handful of Nife Nerds on here. I've never owned a Benchmade Osborne. I watched a few YT videos. It's stood the test of two decades so far and is still selling. What am I missing? What's it do that others don't? What makes it so special?

And please don't give me an Unboxing type reply. Or a "it handles meal prep in the kitchen very well" It's a knife. I expect all of them to cut an apple, or trim fat off a steak. Geeesh.

Of the probably 100+ knives I own....this year I tossed a Bugout in my pocket the day I tagged out on a Whitetail. I had a Benchmade Canyon??? in my pack as a backup knife. I found the Bugout....small. Wasn't terribly impressed with edge retention. I don't know.....sure it's a great EDC. But really....what knife ISNT? If it holds and edge and fits in your pocket....what else does it need to do?

I don't think I've ever broken a knife tip. But I don't use them as screwdrivers either. A Spyderco PM2 gets a ton of pocket time. Would it have processed a deer better? The tip would have been more handy gutting for sure. Maybe much more belly across the whole edge too.

I am certain I could have chosen a better folder completely built for deer break down. But I didn't.

I added burnt bronze scales to my Bugout. Love the look and thin-ness. And for the first time...I actually left it in the gut pile. But I spent a day off recovering my aching joints and bones....and did a 3 hour round trip drive and 3 mile loop to hike back in to the gut pile and retrieve it. Birds and Coyotes cleaned everything...but my knife was right where I left it!! And it's back home and cleaned up

Again....what am I missing in a 940?
No input on the 940, but I dropped my beloved spyderco on a bear hunt in your area. I agonized for a week till I could get back to it....

Found it and still have it.
I went through a knife phase... Bought a new EDC knife every other month or so. I would guess that was about a decade ago when it stopped. It stopped because I got a 940-1. I "lost" it about 5 years ago and started carrying my PM2, Manix, a Kershaw Skyline, some CRKT's but just didn't like them as much as the 940, so bought a replacement. (Fortunately I found the lost one and returned the new).
I kept the 940-1, PM2 as backup, and 1 collectable, and sold everything else.

Why is it better than anything else? Light. Super tight lockup. Smooth open/close. Slim (hand still fits in pocket even when it's clipped). Eversharp program and free clip replacements. Been through the washing machine/ dryer multiple times and survived fine (one dislike is it is SO light I forget it's in pocket).

Only actual dislike is not a lot of belly on the blade, so for some tasks it isn't great (generally food prep).But it's been my EDC for a better part of the last decade. Only changes when it gets put in the laundry. If I lose it, it will be replaced with another 940. I doubt my EDC knife will change. At least for another 10 years.

I have a 940 auto in my front pocket unless I'm getting on an airplane. Work (blue collar), hunting, date night, church, whatever.

I didn't get "the hype" until I had one. The balance, comfort, and blade length for it's size/weight are just great. It doesn't look scary to people pulling it out in a group of people that is mostly people who don't carry knives.

I can't explain why I love it so much, but I definitely do. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.
I went through a knife phase... Bought a new EDC knife every other month or so. I would guess that was about a decade ago when it stopped. It stopped because I got a 940-1. I "lost" it about 5 years ago and started carrying my PM2, Manix, a Kershaw Skyline, some CRKT's but just didn't like them as much as the 940, so bought a replacement. (Fortunately I found the lost one and returned the new).
I kept the 940-1, PM2 as backup, and 1 collectable, and sold everything else.

Why is it better than anything else? Light. Super tight lockup. Smooth open/close. Slim (hand still fits in pocket even when it's clipped). Eversharp program and free clip replacements. Been through the washing machine/ dryer multiple times and survived fine (one dislike is it is SO light I forget it's in pocket).

Only actual dislike is not a lot of belly on the blade, so for some tasks it isn't great (generally food prep).But it's been my EDC for a better part of the last decade. Only changes when it gets put in the laundry. If I lose it, it will be replaced with another 940. I doubt my EDC knife will change. At least for another 10 years.

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If you like the grip profile of the bugout then you'll probably like the Osborne too. I've had multiple of both and ultimately sold them because I prefer a little more knife in the hand that I can grip better. The new style Adamas is awesome and what I normally carry although I rotate through a few. Regardless what you get, see if you can get it in CruWear steel, I've got several benchmades with it and its amazing steel as far as edged retention goes while not being a complete PITA to sharpen.
I have a Harley-Davidson 940 Osborne, carried it ONE time.. it cut me.. some reason it did not stay completely shut in my pocket (using the clip) Went to take it out and got stuck.. :mad: IDK, maybe jeans were tight and the latch was not completely engauged, either way..

Been living in the drawer every sinc.e.


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I have a Harley-Davidson 940 Osborne, carried it ONE time.. it cut me.. some reason it did not stay completely shut in my pocket (using the clip) Went to take it out and got stuck.. :mad: IDK, maybe jeans were tight and the latch was not completely engauged, either way..

Been living in the drawer every sinc.e.

If it's opening that easily your blade retention is too loose. Tighten the bolt until it feels right, you should have to flick it with the stud to get it to open. During break in it's not uncommon to have to adjust it a few times but once it's broken it and the axis mechanism is completely smooth you shouldn't have to touch it.
I'll gvie that a try.. righrt now.. gravity will let the blade fall slowly.. the lock up is excellent. I just assumed that it was adjusted as required..
Not a fan of the Osborne. Fairly thick edge with very little belly to the blade.

I do like the way benchmade folders lock up, but would choose about any of their other blade shapes.

S30V is one of my least desired steels, luckily you can find them in different options.
Not a fan of the Osborne. Fairly thick edge with very little belly to the blade.

I do like the way benchmade folders lock up, but would choose about any of their other blade shapes.

S30V is one of my least desired steels, luckily you can find them in different options.
What's the dislike with S30V ? I know there are a ton of choices nowadays, but it's seems fine for me for an edc steel. My 162 has no problems gutting/skinning deer.
What's the dislike with S30V ? I know there are a ton of choices nowadays, but it's seems fine for me for an edc steel. My 162 has no problems gutting/skinning deer.
It’s not a terrible steel. It’s decent all around, but not the toughest, and like most stainless is fairly hard to sharpen.
I'll gvie that a try.. righrt now.. gravity will let the blade fall slowly.. the lock up is excellent. I just assumed that it was adjusted as required..

They set them to the correct tension out of the store but with any knife they break in and smooth up and then it's too loose. When I get a new BM I'll flick it a couple hundred times and then douche it out good, dry it, and lube it with mineral oil and set the tension. It will still continue to break in but that gets it pretty smoothed up.