Benchmade Osborne 940...what am I missing?

I have a Harley-Davidson 940 Osborne, carried it ONE time.. it cut me.. some reason it did not stay completely shut in my pocket (using the clip) Went to take it out and got stuck.. :mad: IDK, maybe jeans were tight and the latch was not completely engauged, either way..

Been living in the drawer every sinc.e.
For the price to ship it to then benchmade will fix it as well.
I think you need to feel a 940 in hand and carry it to understand the cult following. It's perfectly balanced, has a handle that's thin but not too thin, disappears in your pocket (compared to say a Spyderco that takes up a lot of real estate with the extra blade material for the thumbhole), and has a sturdy tip. I also own two Bugouts, one plastic handle and one aluminum. I like the aluminum handle Bugout a lot (minus the deep carry clip), but the 940 gets more pocket time.
CoWorker lent me his Osborn for a day. Fiddled with it all day. Meh. Think I'll pass.

I need ZERO new knives. But enjoy knives. The Spyderco Manix gets very little Love. The PM2/3 takes most of the fanfare. But that's what I prefer.
I have a 940 auto in my front pocket unless I'm getting on an airplane. Work (blue collar), hunting, date night, church, whatever.

I didn't get "the hype" until I had one. The balance, comfort, and blade length for it's size/weight are just great. It doesn't look scary to people pulling it out in a group of people that is mostly people who don't carry knives.

I can't explain why I love it so much, but I definitely do. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Which 940 is an auto? I've never seen one. All the ones I've ever known of are assisted open

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I don't know the exact model.. Mine is the "traditional" green handle with purple backspace and satin blade.

My local shop always has a few different 940 autos in the display case.
I’ve carried one every day for well over a decade. I love how slim it is in the pocket but still feels substantial in the hand. The few times it has been misplaced I instantly feel stressed out until I can find it.
My truck is full of knives. My EDC is a Benchmade Bugout. Light. Sturdy. Holds and Edge. Bought one for each son. Carried a pocket knife every day since I was a kid.