I’m not outraged and don’t expect everyone to boycott Benchmade. I’m really not even upset that they destroyed firearms for a PD, it’s actually nice to see a company helping out the PD, especially if the donated their time and equipment. I understand why the guns were destroyed. In many cases a judge orders them destroyed when they were evidence in a crime. The PD unfortunately has to worry about liability and bad PR if they sold firearms that were then used in the commission of a crime. Heads would roll if that happened and the media would be relentless.
My issue is supporting anti second amendment democrats. In my opinion that party has gone off the rails far left and literally embraces socialism. Yes, I also have a problem with the anti public land republicans.
Benchmade manufactures “gear”, which is why I posted the article. When making a gear purchase decision, not supporting a company that actively participates in a movement I strongly disagree with is important.
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