Bench rest vs. standard primers


Mar 5, 2012
Central CA
25+ years of reloading and I have never tried benchrest primers.. Always have had good accuracy but now that my wife and I are shooting long distance I'm doing the extra steps to keep E.S. down... Have any of you ever done a test so to speak to see if the benchrest primers are worth it? Would like to hear of some real world resuts/conclusions ...
I just recently started using CCI BR2 primers and truthfully I think I’m going back to standard. I’ve had more failure to fires with them and just haven’t been impressed enough or at all to think they are worth the premium.
I just recently started using CCI BR2 primers and truthfully I think I’m going back to standard. I’ve had more failure to fires with them and just haven’t been impressed enough or at all to think they are worth the premium.

This is good to know.. That was kind of my next question..Seems those who shoot BR primers use Federal... Don't see much love for the CCI BR...

All of my loading has been with Winchester and CCI standard primers with Winchester being the majority.. I can't remember one time having a fail to fire...
This is good to know.. That was kind of my next question..Seems those who shoot BR primers use Federal... Don't see much love for the CCI BR...

All of my loading has been with Winchester and CCI standard primers with Winchester being the majority.. I can't remember one time having a fail to fire...

Yup I can’t either with win.
I just recently started using CCI BR2 primers and truthfully I think I’m going back to standard. I’ve had more failure to fires with them and just haven’t been impressed enough or at all to think they are worth the premium.
This surprises and concerns me. I saw where you mentioned it in another thread also. I have lit close to 1k BR2 primers in the past year and a half and haven't had a single FTF.
This surprises and concerns me. I saw where you mentioned it in another thread also. I have lit close to 1k BR2 primers in the past year and a half and haven't had a single FTF.

Yeah I bought a box of 1k as well and out of that box I’ve had a few failures. Maybe I just got a bad batch but I’ll not be buying again.
Weird on the BR2's. I have shot thousands of them, as well as the group I used to shoot with, without failure to ignite. They were the preferred primer for most of us. I am using some in my 7/08 I purchased 7-8 years ago, no issues.
Weird on the BR2's. I have shot thousands of them, as well as the group I used to shoot with, without failure to ignite. They were the preferred primer for most of us. I am using some in my 7/08 I purchased 7-8 years ago, no issues.

Yeah I got mine just a few months ago, could be just a bad batch.
I use the cci br’s in 3 calibers with no issues. Maybe just a bit hotter than regular but have good results. I wanted to use fed but couldn’t find when was working up loads and haven’t had any reason to change. If you decide to try, I would recommend dropping down on the charge if you’re next to max and adjust if need be
I have used the BR4s/450s as the same in 6.5x47 and 223. I still have a pile but don't see reason to spring for BR4s in the future.
the cup is .025 thick on the BR4 and 450

it is .020 on the 400

on cci 200 the cup is .027

federal has a thicker cup on the 205m than the 205-the 205 is .019 and the 205m is .022 thick

if your gun dont like them just switch.
the cup is .025 thick on the BR4 and 450

it is .020 on the 400

on cci 200 the cup is .027

federal has a thicker cup on the 205m than the 205-the 205 is .019 and the 205m is .022 thick

if your gun dont like them just switch.

Problem is, it does kind of like them, lol, I just have lost some faith in their reliability.
Have strictly used CC BR2. Never a failure in multiple rifles. As random as it sounds, shoot a light load (so you don't have primer flow) and check pin impression. Eliminate firing system issues including dirty spring. Could be on edge of developing issue.
there can be many reasons for the FTF in the rifle

i would trade for you regulars or Winchesters in a heartbeat

remington firing pin springs are easy to change and i change mine often. yearly on comp rifles.