Beating Target Panic-New Method?

I saw a well past his prime Jack Nicholous park a golf ball about 6.inches from the whole and looked back at the camera and say, " That was my old good shot". Well today I made my old good shot...the one I use to make when I layed down 3 state sure felt good cutting them loose like that. I am going to say the bulk of the credit goes to PJG, because when I drew in front of a mirror I did see I was slightly out, and pulling in line seemed to help get some of the old feel back. I also worked on relaxing the draw arm and started getting somewhat cleaner releases and my arrow stayed closer to home. I getting close, and if I can just find that old good shot consistently, the compound will have to start drawing social security... at lea and until spring!

Thanks everyone! It felt good to be back, even if it was only for 2 shots.
Some good form tips that should help you shoot better TBM

As to your TP remedy..... i tried the partial draw thing this afternoon just to see if i was maybe missing something..... I wasn't.
Too bad it didn't help. For me it seemed much easier to get a clean relaxed release short drawing. I figured with enough reps it would have to help when I did draw to anchor. One of my problems is that I don't fully relax my draw hand and my fingers feel curled around the string instead of relaxed and entended with only the last joint hooked. I have made improvement lately, and got a few perfect felling shots in the morning.

I cannot wait to try the clicker and hope that adds to consistency. My only concern is when I take the clicker off for hunting...Will I be able to release correctly without it.
I am getting really close to attempting to arrow some whitetails and putting all the advise and hard work to the test. Will probably go out a couple times per week starting Thursday. I will have more time later on and if things go well I will continue using the recurve into January. Hopefully I can get my ability and confidence up to standard..if so then I will be rocking the recurve for elk in September, my goal is being efficient enough to take 35 yard shots at elk. A lot is resting on how I do over the next 3 weeks.
I see you are from Alabama, if you get the chance to attend a seminar by Rod Jenkins it won't do anything but help. I know some really good shooters that Rod has worked with and help them improve to be exceptional. Shooting Clinic
I'll second Rod, I have taken classes from Rod he's top notch.

TBM don't worry about the clicker, leave it on when hunting. The last elk i shot using a clicker didn't even lift its head. I've also used a clicker on whitetail, I've never had a problem with it spooking game. I have always placed a small piece of velcro between the clicker and the base of it, and have always replaced the chain with a solid piece of d-loop material.

I fought target panic a couple of years back, a clicker helped my with. Working with a level III olympic fully cured me of it. It took a lot of work, but I am good to go now. Just stick with it, keep working on it.
I am getting really close to attempting to arrow some whitetails .......
Yeah, me too...good luck on your hunt. I just picked mine back up 2 weeks its going to interesting if I can develop my shot consistency well enough before the I can't shoot that many arrows yet.

I've heard nothing but good things about those Rod Jenkins clinics....
Shot about 6 times today and cut em all loose clean with draw arm flying back on follow through. Not sure what has helped the most but things sure got better after trying this new method.
Everything is starting to click. I'm almost to the "I will outshoot you with your own bow" form of a few years back, which is not to say I can't be beat, only that I am very confident I can beat 51% of the shooters at a large trad shooting event. That's not really that hard being most do have some sort of shooting dysfunction and would benefit greatly from this new method or blind bale shooting.

Now, if I can just get a break from these daylight to darks I will test it out of something live and very capable of getting out of the way of a well directed arrow.
I can beat 51% of the shooters at a large trad shooting event. That's not really that hard being most do have some sort of shooting dysfunction and would benefit greatly from this new method or blind bale shooting.

Sounds like you are dialed.

Yeah those straight trad shoots are fun....and you get a whole spectrum of guys that shoot; From Renaissance Fair wannabes shooting some hand carved thing...... to top field archers.

My Missouri hunt was a bust....I saw one legal buck from a long ways out 4 days...a couple days I didn't see a deer. Those were long days. I got talked into doing a deal with a bunch of friends....and then a TV show rolled in on top of that. So an outfitter that takes between 4-6 guys....we had 13 in camp. Fun talking with Mike from Gridiron Outdoors and it was a good group....just not good hunting.
Got off about 6 shots this morning with complete control. No anxiety even out to 30 yards. All but one shot accurate enough to kill coyote size animal. The one was just a tad low but in line. I am proof you can beat tp with methods described on this thread by myself and others..just takes work and focus on the process and not on the arrow.
Me either. I've never seen a traditional shooter hold long enough to even have TP begin to show up.

That's because there are still a number of trad guys who learned how to shoot based off of Asbell's book. Its to bad that it took so long after he released that for someone to come out and present a better option ie, rod Jenkins, joel turner. Lots of trad shooters who are way over bowed as well.
Finally got some time off work and getting to test my progress an game. Shot a little high on a deer
Nearly right under me, a little low on another. Hit the third a little back and high but watched it fall.

I seem to be cutting them loose pretty good and in line fairly good. Still need to improve some, but happy I am not punching like I was last year.
New phone has got slo mo video..vid myself shooting. I got one of the best releases I've seen but my form looks Like crap if that makes sense. Solid anchor with zero creep. I don't have wide shoulders and they are sure nuff narrow when shooting. Bow shoulder is in and high and back elbow pointing upwards. I have a high release point with middle finger in corner of mouth. I just don't look good and comfortable when shooting but cutting He strung loose good means good accuracy.
I have a high release point with middle finger in corner of mouth. .

TBM...thats not a high anchor. Get your index finger up just under your eye cupping your cheekbone. It will feel funny at first.

i'm currently taking a break to let my elbow heal....but when I shoot its with a high anchor and a 25 yd fixed crawl that puts the nok right at the edge of my bottom eye lid...its deadly accurate from 15-30yds looking down the arrow like that. I only have to adjust a little for shots outside of that 20/25yd zone.
Compared to index finger under the chin i have a high anchor, not as high as you Beendare. Your about as high as one can get. If I was going to use the arrow tip to sight with I would most likely keep the same anchor but go 3 under. Puts be top on at around 20. Great way to start off barebow. Seen some compound guys drop one and shoot 2 under. Shot well too.

Spent some time trying to lower my elbow and extend the front shoulder and my shooting suffered some. Made a couple bad releases and one terrible aweful release. Time to spend some up close form shooting. I'm about to decide I need to shoot less than 5 yards for 90 percent of my shots100 percent if I'm not getting a clean release.

Looks like there is going to be a slight break in the weather so will go hunting a day or two then 79 degrees temps coming back in with rain. We have had 4 days of winter during hunting season. The rest was summerish and warm spring like. Mostly just shooting and training for September. Need that more than meat anyhow so ok with not hunting much.