Mayhem Contributor
I disagree, but that’s ok. In my mind, the line should be drawn at equipment that allows for shots to be made at ranges outside of an animal’s ability to sense danger and react accordingly. In my experience this is usually somewhere around 400 ish yards. Just my take. A rangefinder is still useful to determine if it’s 310 yards and a reasonable shot, or 450 yards and a no-go. Sometimes, like across a canyon, that’s hard to tell without a rangefinder.
We can have this debate, and have, till the cows come home. To me, I draw my ethical lines at ranges where the animal can no longer sense fear. It’s that simple. If equipment enables or encourages shots beyond that range, well, that’s where the ethical debates start.
So here is some questions. I have a place our native whitetails will let you drive a truck within 100 yards before they trigger a flight response. So would 200 yards be an unethical shot? If that's the case I know a couple places that the elk will bust you at 1000 yards. So there a 900 yard shot is ok? What about mule deer. I've see some that are dumber then chit and some that will bust at a tumble weed at 700 yards.
Where do you draw the line? Who gets to draw a line in the sand on "ethics" They cease to be ethics when you make a law. Who gets to decide the range? Is it county by county or state wide?