Bars only?


Feb 5, 2019
Anybody tried the bar only no cook style for backpack hunting and ditching the stove and mountain house? When I'm out during archery I'm up before the sun climbing the mountain and back at dark and don't really feel like "cooking" and clean up. Just want food and go to bed. Best time for a hot meal would be lunch for me but I don't want to carry all the stuff when I'm out. Heard a podcast from exo on trying it a while back and thinking about giving it a go. Sure would miss my hot coffee though.
Wasn't planning on not eating the dehydrated meals and hauled the pot and food around last year but never ate any of it for the same reasons you listed. Altitude suppresses my appetite and I get by on protein/granola bars and other snacks so I plan on leaving it behind the next trip.
Nice! - made the mistake of making 2 Idaho potatoes in one sitting last time out and man that's a lot of food - my hearts not into eating at 9 or later when I'm beat and I do better eating through out. I picked up a bunch of probars and they did me pretty good
I think a variety of different foods is what makes this easier. I was eating honey stinger waffles, justins almond butter, quest bars, clif energy chews, a few other protein bars, my kids fruit snacks, jerky, etc. I liked being able to snack on the go and by the time I was back at the tent I was ready for bed. At that point calories are calories.
I think a variety of different foods is what makes this easier. I was eating honey stinger waffles, justins almond butter, quest bars, clif energy chews, a few other protein bars, my kids fruit snacks, jerky, etc. I liked being able to snack on the go and by the time I was back at the tent I was ready for bed. At that point calories are calories.
I'm in the same boat - can't do just protein bars and I've eaten enough MREs in my life that even good dehydrated stuff kind of gets me - but really I just don't want to mess with cooking when I get back - just want calories
Maybe try greenbelly. No bad at all, jmo.

Best time for a hot meal would be lunch for me but I don't want to carry all the stuff when I'm out…. Sure would miss my hot coffee though.
In the morning I make coffee and two Mountain House meals. My kid and I split one Mountain House, and we wrap the other in an extra sweatshirt we keep in the day pack. It’s still toasty when lunch rolls around.
There’s more ready to eat foods that aren’t bars. Hate dealing with packing in or finding water sometimes so I’ll go no stove/meals often.
Maybe try greenbelly. No bad at all, jmo.

I liked the probars and green belly looks similar I'll have to try that
There’s more ready to eat foods that aren’t bars. Hate dealing with packing in or finding water sometimes so I’ll go no stove/meals often.
Do you have a few favorites? I'm starting a list especially for a short trips - one to 2 nights when I'm up early and back late covering miles - I think I'm going to do more no cook days this year.
Do you have a few favorites? I'm starting a list especially for a short trips - one to 2 nights when I'm up early and back late covering miles - I think I'm going to do more no cook days this year.
I make my own meals in ziplock bags. I do usually bring a bar or two for each day but those are snacks/extras from the main meals…

Breakfast: Peanut butter flavored granola, chocolate covered espresso beans (so I don’t have to make coffee), chopped walnuts, half a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Mix all of those ingredients in a ziplock bag and seal. Add a splash of water and mix. Favorite meal of the day.

Lunch: Salami sticks, salted almond crackers, Justin’s honey peanut butter squeeze pouches.

Dinner: Elk Salami sticks, venison or beef jerkey, dried fruit. If I do bring the stove sometimes I find a stick to stick through a thick slice of the salami. Makes for a nice hot cooked meat meal. Usually just eat it cold though.

Snacks: Spicy homemade trail mix, sweet homemade trail mix, stroop waffles, bars, Justin’s honey peanut butter pouches, energy gel pouches.
i tried it a few times early on using probars, green bellys, cliff bars, tuna, stinger waffles and some other snacks mixed and matched. its not for me, but when on hunts i struggle with sweets, or peanut butter. but i can eat jerky or ramen like its my job so it may depend on taste buds to but it ruined green bellys completely for me and probars i can choke down but dont enjoy them near as much anymore cause of it
i tried it a few times early on using probars, green bellys, cliff bars, tuna, stinger waffles and some other snacks mixed and matched. its not for me, but when on hunts i struggle with sweets, or peanut butter. but i can eat jerky or ramen like its my job so it may depend on taste buds to but it ruined green bellys completely for me and probars i can choke down but dont enjoy them near as much anymore cause of it
I swear canned tuna is like catnip for bears. Most black bears of all time in the sierras is the only trip I brought Tuna. Ended up bringing the cans and burying them to get the bears away.

Jerky and salami haven’t had that issue. I do keep them in sealed ziplocks.
I did it one year on a 3 day adventure race- saved some weight in food and some by not bringing a stove. The next year I was back to bringing a stove :D

I do no cook for lunch, but I like a couple of hot cups of coffee in the morning and the evening hot meal is something I look forward to all day!