Barrel nut vs shouldered - What say you?


Classified Approved
Apr 29, 2023
Possibly going to be ordering another barrel before long. It’d be a 223 barrel for my Tikka. Either a Criterion barrel nut prefit, or PBB shouldered. Does a properly torqued barrel nut setup suffer from POI shift if gun is dropped? Is shouldered the only way to go?
Go with a shouldered on a tikka. action to action measurements are very close and it will look cleaner. Only time I’m in favor of a barrel nut is when action tolerance is known to very any you need the adjustment to get proper headspace.

I’m pretty sure if you dropped a gun hard enough to adjust the POI from the barrel nut/ tenon your going to have bigger problems with the rifle.
At 100 ft lbs of torque it’s solid enough to not matter with either style if dropped. As mrolen said, shouldered looks cleaner.

A Benchrest guy over on Accurate shooter had a very accurate shouldered barrel and it was shot as is, then the shoulder was machined down for a nut and the barrel shot exactly the same.

I’ve never liked the look of a nut, but forced myself to get one just to say I did and now I don’t mind them at all. For Tikka I’d just get a shouldered barrel, but for Remingtons a nut can save a few hundred dollars over having a short chambered or long shouldered prefit installed by a gunsmith.

A nut and specialized nut socket isn’t free if purchased separately, so be sure and add that in.
Only reason i've never owned a barrel nut prefit is because the ones that typically offer the price advantage come with more limited contour, chamber, or twist options or a longer lead time that limited my interest. If the exact option i wanted was $100+ cheaper with a nut included I'd not hesitate.
I have some very nice older actions (Stiller and Defiance) that shouldered prefits are not available - I am using barrel nut barrels for them. I use shouldered prefits for Tikka.
I’ve done both - definitely prefer the shouldered for clean looks and ease of install. If you don’t really have a specific contour in mind, barrel nut is cheaper and not much more difficult to use at all. I guess it just depends on what you’re after.
I've owned multiples of both. Personally I'll almost always pay the difference for a shouldered barrel. It's so much easier to install.

On my Excalibur 6 creed barrel with a barrel nut, I used a healthy dose of red locktite. The idea was to essentially make it a shouldered barrel by locking it into place. It worked but still a bigger PITA.

One thing to consider is that you'll need at least one extra tool for the barrel nut so that price difference shrinks a bit. On top of that you'll need at least a go gauge as well. You should have it for both but honestly I've yet to have a shouldered barrel that wasn't machined correctly.

If you're not planning on swapping it, the barrel nut is fine. Not sure if they sell tikka stuff but I bought a criterion match barrel from NSS that was shouldered. Shoots great on my PRS rig. Have fun building your first rifle. It's quite addicting.
Isn’t this the place that promotes that beat - up ugly-assed Rokstok with a “dead cat” barrel channel with the Hubble Space Telescope fastened to a train track on top, having dropped it 9 times in the dirt from 36”? Don’t worry about the looks of the barrel nut. It’s all about function.
Possibly going to be ordering another barrel before long. It’d be a 223 barrel for my Tikka. Either a Criterion barrel nut prefit, or PBB shouldered. Does a properly torqued barrel nut setup suffer from POI shift if gun is dropped? Is shouldered the only way to go?
I had a Shilen DGR action in an MPA chassis that I had three different Criterion barrel nut barrels for. An 8 twist 22-250, a 6.5 Creedmoor, and a .308 barrel, all in the light varmint comtour. Every one of them grouped fantastic, as well as any Bartlein, Brux or Kreiger I’ve ever used. BUT, over a course of fire, they would slowly shift POI. With the 6.5 barrel, POI dropped over a mil during a PRS match. Very frustrating…

So, I started trying to isolate the problem. Changed scopes with no improvement. Changed from chassis to professionally pillar bedded McMillan stock. Still shifting POI. Finally had Jon Beanland fit a shouldered Bartlein barrel and no more shifting POI.

So, I probably won’t use any more barrel nut barrels, but I do want to try a Criterion shouldered prefit some day.
