Bargaining on new vehicle prices? (Boats)

They are holding it for me, need to call in the AM and figure out how to pay in one lump sum, probably a bank transfer or something. Not trying to have another monthly bill to pay.
Will the dealer not accept a personal check? When I bought my pickup last year I just wrote a check.
Will the dealer not accept a personal check? When I bought my pickup last year I just wrote a check.

They will, I don’t have a checkbook though so probably a bank check . They said there is a 3% fee for using a card, I’m not a cheapskate but I’m not trying to pay 3% on a 30k bill.
Had the pleasure of sitting with Thinhorn while making the boat purchase.

Talked that young man into a full floor and a 10% discount on that jet boat.

Must’ve picked up some bartering skills in the bush
I always negotiate.

If you talk to a few different dealers you'll get an idea of what is the fairest price.

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I've always been the same way, those days are gone for now in most paces.. Hopefully that will change. We're living in hard times right now for people and negotiation.
On marriage advice, tell your woman to mind her business and just be glad you might take her in the boat and let her clean the fish or pack moose.
I vote you do this but I would wait to buy the boat until after the divorce is final.
Right now you agree to pay full price and pray there isn’t a price increase before you get it.

I have a new Northriver on order for 2023. 7.5% increase on engines since I got my quote. Probably another one too after that one.
I know it's not a boat, but I was able to do some minor negotiations buying a truck last week. Vehicles aren't quite as hard to find as a specific boat though. I called 4 different dealerships within an hour of me that had trucks I'd consider purchasing. I got all of their respective quotes and naturally the amount they'd offer me for trade on my current truck varied a good amount. There was a $5,500 spread from the lowest one to the highest one. The dealer that had the truck I ultimately bought was somewhere in the middle. I called them right before I was ready to buy and said something like, "There's a truck just like yours about an hour away at XX dealership. They're offering me $2,000 more for my truck. I'd much rather deal with you guys since you're local, can you do any better?" Sure enough they called back 10 minutes later and matched the value from the more distant dealer.

It's not like I got some mega discount, but a few phone calls and 30 minutes effort saved me a few grand. I doubt you'll pull that off with boats and recreational vehicles though. It never hurts to ask.