Bait Barrel Design - Thoughts? Advice?

This what what yogi barrels was building for a while. They do strap to a tree better but you loose volume if that matters. I’m trying s couple plastic barrels this year. Instead of cutting out the hole, I cut the sides and bottom so it’s got a flap attached at the top. Should help keep food from just pouring out the hole. We’ll see how well they hold up to being raped by a brown bear.
I believe in the small hole, have sat and watched crows, moose, squirrels and more empty a barrel fast. Another item is to pad the edges of the barrel hole, they will rub all the hair off their forepaws reaching in.

I have been flipping one side of the barrel and rewelding it back on. That way I can strap it to a tree and it fits a little better. The brown bears have been crushing them lately so I have welded some pipes from one side to the other. Inside on the top and bottom I welded some 1 1/4” 90 degree conduit to run some chain through. It seems to work pretty good.

The best way to keep a brown bear from crushing your barrel is to not use a barrel.
The holes on my barrel are the size of a quarter and they have no problems, so I am sure the bears will have no issue getting food out of yours.


Nick, how many of them holes you put in your barrel? And do you only do that size? I wonder if it would be worth cutting a couple larger holes in the barrel to start with and once the bears figure out there is food inside, switch over to barrels with the smaller holes? Or do you just run the barrels with smaller holes all year?

I'm finally giving in and going to run my first site this spring. First kid coming in the fall so I won't be able to make as many 2-4 day backpack trips. This is my way of hunting close to home to keep the peace. I plan to give it a try this spring and hopefully have it tuned in by next year. I really needed another hobby to obsess over anyways......
That barrel has one hole in it, the one you can see. The bears, all sizes, will just lay next to it and pull one piece out at a time. Larger holes mean I have to drive out there and bait more often. They will empty it in a night with no problem. I'd say, on average, there are 6-10 bears using the bait site on a normal year. They go through bait quite quick. I do add plenty on the ground as well, the barrel with a small hole ensures there is always something at the site until I can hike more in.

A good strong call scent is key, for me anyhow. The majority of the bears we shoot are not the "regulars" that frequent the bait daily. We typically end up shooting bears that happen to find the bait for the first time while we are sitting, which can be attributed to either a sow in heat or the atrocious call scents I use. We are along a river corridor that allows for new bears to show up at any time since it's a natural travel route. They aren't coming cause they know there is food, they are coming to inspect the scent we use.

This year, I won't be using a barrel as I've had better results (others have too) without one, especially when it comes to getting brown/grizzly bears to come in on a regular basis. Since a Grizzly is my goal this spring, I plan to go the route that I've found to work best for them.
I've always used a crib style, with barrels, so that they have to be in a certain spot to eat which allows me to have the best shot angle. Dump on ground, cover with cedar bows and other logs. That's about it.
I've posted this photo a few times before so forgive me.. but this is what my site looks like a day after it's set up. A "wall" of logs and a lot of bait.

PS... that's a very large bear :) He's been on my bait the past 4 years very early and then gone like a fart in the wind by the time we hunt. One of these years we will cross paths.

Thanks for the reply. Definitely helpful to get me going in the right direction. I don't have huge plans on being too loyal to my sites so that trickle style barrel will be the best route for me. Plan on making it to the site two days a week but more realistically it will be one day. Just going for pictures and fine tuning the set up this year unless it really starts to get active.

Taking a bear with a homemade long bow is the goal by June 2019.

Good luck on your sites this year fellas.
Chains around the holes for keep the bear from rubbing its fur? What are the chains across the holes for? Never baited bears so sorry if these questions are dumb.
Ya that’s a big one alright! It has seemed the bears around my baits haven’t been interested in wet dog food,
So I’ve stuck with the barrel to keep it dry. Maybe I’ll do a bit more experimenting with that. Last thing I want is 50lbs of wet nasty dog food to clean up at the end!
Chains across the barrel

The chains across the hole are there for 2 reasons
1. Help keep the birds/ little critters off your bait
2. Only the top of them are welded to the barrel. So that while ur walking in or if you fall asleep in the stand you can tell if there a bear on it! Has worked great in the past! Bears don't seem to mind the noise!
I’m putting up a battery powdered driveway alarm this year. And a bed roll in my blind....😴
This is the first year for me making bait barrels. I used a 6 inch hole saw for the feeding hole. I was told the chain keeps them from pulling big handfulls out and also, it keeps them from chewing on the hole area. (first time, not sure about any of this)
I got a piece of metal from home depot. Not sure of the exact size but you will see them in the metal section. maybe 12 by 16 or something. 2 cheap hinges, 2 cheap clasps. I cut the hole on the top just a little smaller than the metal from Home Depot. welded it up and hit it with some spray paint. 1 can of the Rustolium camo will cover the barrel. A 96 cent Walmart flat black can for the pattern. The black will get you a few barrels with 1 can.

I gotcha. Ya I got a huge ground blind, like 11x7 or something. Gotta get some shut eye, I’m sitting those baits for almost a month straight, rest is important. I’m gonna try out my driveway alarm this year. I’ve got a river between me and my bait so clients and I can chat without worrying about noise. We’d never hear the barrel if they filled it with rocks and rolled it down the gravel bar!