Backcountry Food Options for Nut Allergy

OR Archer

Feb 29, 2012
So my wife has developed a nut allergy. This puts a kink into our food prep for hunting season. What are some options you guys like that doesn’t contain nuts but also is easy to pack and nutritious.
Our brother-in-law is allergic to nuts. He does meat and cheese, nut-free granola bars or fruit bars, dried fruit/coconut, fig newtons, peanut butter (he’s not allergic to peanuts) on bagels or tortillas. Could also try making your own Gorp or trail mix with dried fruits and seeds...
I’m allergic to nuts and seafood so I’ll be interested to see some replies.
I picked up a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer and make most of my own food.
Dried fruit is good. I make my own jerky but I still need to tweak the recipe a bit.
Look into macadamia nuts, most people with nut allergies, aren't allergic to them. Also some of the highest calories per ounce food you can get.