Back into horses


Jun 13, 2019
We have been riding as a family here in Germany couple times a month.

Of course the cost of doing it this way is cheaper.

Other than the $20,000 trailer
$70,000 truck
feed at whatever that cost per ton times 5-10 tons a year.

Saw another post where someone was selling a non-broke draft mare for $6900.

What is the going rate for Fjord horses or something similar?

I am guessing each horse needs equipment, and that would be another $2000-5000?


Apr 1, 2018
Oh man. I just did this song and dance over the last few years, so in the interest of helping I'll drop some numbers from the top of my head. EDIT: I'm in Canada. Adjust accordingly.

I forget where I heard it (I think one of the posters in this section said it actually): "Horses are cheap. It's all the other stuff that gets expensive."

- Used truck big enough to safely tow 2-3 horses: $8,000.
- 1970's era rusty 20ft stock trailer: $4,000.
- Pretty broke but moody and Karen-ish 13 yr old mare: $3,500.
- 5 year old draft cross gelding (friends/family price) : $4,500.
- Board during hunting season for 2x horses close to where I live: $500/mo x 3 months
- Beverage/goodwill money to rancher for off-season kick-out-in-pasture $300-600/yr.

Nickel/Dime stuff
- Shoes $250 every 6 weeks.
- Wormer $25.
- Fuel to do stuff: Budget $150 every time.
- Saddles: $150-$600. Marketplace/used is your friend here.
- Misc tack, like breast collars, saddle bags, bits, etc. $100 minimum for each saddle/horse, and that's being generous. Likely more expensive.

Random Stuff
- anything to do with pack saddles is a lost art, and will be hard to find. Unless you want to buy new, in which case it's a billion dollars.

- Nylon rigging/straps/latigos are helpful for keeping costs down.

- Used tack stores are your friend. I buy everything used, because it's usually 1/4 of the price. It might be a bit dusty, but still works fine.

I'm sure there's a bunch I forgot, but that's a start. Really consider if you actually "like" horses, cause it takes away from "hunting", both in time and finances.
Jan 22, 2016
Missoula, MT
Going rate for horses like anything will vary a lot. But the going rate for good broke minimal nonsense is 12/15k+ i really don’t think you need to spend more than 30k on a horse for leisure riding. That’s pretty high in my opinion. Spending more than that is pointless and just strictly for showing off. Personally if the horse can w/t/c when asked, bridles up soft, moves off the leg good, side passes/piviot/forehand turn, doesn’t feel like a ticking time bomb and is quiet under saddle then I’m good to go. I want them soft and buttons for that price point

Tack wise if your buying for quality used a saddle will be closer to 2k-3k per saddle that is not a mass produced saddle and is handmade by a USA saddle maker. Pack equipment i picked a used decker saddle and wool pad up for $350 but i searched long and hard for a year. The gentlemen bought from was taking all his pack tack to a local auction to sell by his trailer private party so you might have better luck just going to a sale and chatting with people and seeing if you can find someone parting with equipment. I’d like to find pack boxes and still am looking but haven’t been able to find anything used local. So if you come across stuff buy it don’t wait.

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