Back from the Brooks: Success


Starting the walk in


Hopes are high for a big sheep score


Kifaru High Camp with bikini frame LH lid with all extra straps cut off. Rifle in a side pocket, and waist belt has a couple of UL pockets. It worked out well, but under heavy load the frame dug into my back


Nice weather for the walk


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Very Pleased with my home away from home. Cuben fiber duomid from MLD. I did have a bug bivy inside that was helpful, but not essential

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I'm still on East Coast time, so this 4AM moon sighting was a treatView attachment 18386

This first day after camp is established in "sheep country" we head out glassing, we would return around 1am

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hello little fella, we mean you no harm

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very few lambs, maybe two on the whole trip
Man do I wish the attachment gods would smile upon you ! All the pictures that I can see are awesome ! Thanks for keeping at trying to post them all :)
What a ram! My two brothers and I were the ones that Don mentioned. What a small world! Tough hunt, getting into this country was a long jaunt!
Thanks very much for your narrative. Hopefully somehow those pics get all straightened out and appear. There is nothing like sheep hunting.