AZFG restricting Crossbows

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Is this data driven? Were too many animals killed with a crossbow? If that's the case, I agree. If it's just "too easy" I don't see why anyone cares. Is bow technology limited, like draw weight or range finding sights? Compare an 80lb compound with an auto ranging site to a stick bow. Which one is closer to the crossbow?
The hundred yard argument is old. You and I both know archers who shoot 100 yards at deer and Elk every season. The new compounds are just as deadly in the right hands as a crossbow.
Key words "in the right hands"... I guarantee there are far more guys who can shoot crossbow at 100 yards accurately than a compound. If it wasnt an issue it wouldnt have needed change in the eyes of AZFG.
Key words "in the right hands"... I guarantee there are far more guys who can shoot crossbow at 100 yards accurately than a compound. If it wasnt an issue it wouldnt have needed change in the eyes of AZFG.
I agree. There is no comparison between even the best technology in compound bows and crossbows. One takes true SKILL and EFFORT to shoot at a proficient level. One takes no effort and should only be used during any archery specific season by anyone with a truly legitimate disability. I’ll die on that hill.
They would still need to properly stagger the hunts and base the tag allocation on actual herd sizes per unit.

Oh for sure!

They need to open up doe opportunities and more cow opportunities for folks who want to hunt every year.

Fully agree.

I'd be okay with eliminating rut hunts honestly. From a rifle hunter standpoint, they offer good hunters next to zero advantage anyway if a guy or gal knows how to hunt.
Don't forget the biology, after the rut your killing 2 for 1 . Most cows and does are pregnant right. The unit I live in used to be managed as a trophy unit until hunters wanted opportunity over quality. Tags jumped 10 fold easy, today you have a hard time fing a rag horn. The crossbow is small potaoes compared to bad management.
Key words "in the right hands"... I guarantee there are far more guys who can shoot crossbow at 100 yards accurately than a compound. If it wasnt an issue it wouldnt have needed change in the eyes of AZFG.
Agreed, but there are far more than you think. I shot as a prostaffer for 20 plus years , guys were doing it in the 80's out here. I have seen coues killed at that range first hand. I don't agree with it anymore than shooting a elk at a 1000 but it happens.
Agreed, but there are far more than you think. I shot as a prostaffer for 20 plus years , guys were doing it in the 80's out here. I have seen coues killed at that range first hand. I don't agree with it anymore than shooting an elk at a 1000 but it happens.
Shooting targets at 100 yards and game animals at 100 is apples to oranges due to the moving target aspect of game animals. I would be willing to wager a lot of money you are wounding a lot of game if your shooting 100 yards. I don’t care how good of a shot you are.

This is a great step by Arizona. Good to see a step in the right direction against the massive sprint of technology in hunting
Shooting targets at 100 yards and game animals at 100 is apples to oranges due to the moving target aspect of game animals. I would be willing to wager a lot of money you are wounding a lot of game if your shooting 100 yards. I don’t care how good of a shot you are.

This is a great step by Arizona. Good to see a step in the right direction against the massive sprint of technology in hunting
Exactly, what happened to Bowhunting. Technology sightmounted rangefinders , moving auto pins etc. Seems like its getting away from the heart of it.
No doubt at all that it is moving away from where archery once was. Further restrictions will hopefully get it back closer to where it once was. Some states already banned the garmin sight. No lighted pins, let off requirements.

Same goes for just about any weapon restricted hunts. MLer's are next in my opinion. They are now single shot rifles, capable of 500+ yard shots with ease.
Same goes for just about any weapon restricted hunts. MLer's are next in my opinion. They are now single shot rifles, capable of 500+ yard shots with ease.
It baffles me how many people didnt/dont understand that muzzleloaders are capable of killing animals at what most would call "long range rifle" distances. Talked to so many people when Utah was proposing removing scopes that told me I was full of shit when I told them people were killing deer at 600 yards with muzzleloaders.
yes i hunt - used to live in Az and hunt there almost every year.

Compounds are very capable of 100 yards shots without a tripod. what’s your point?

AZ (all states} should ban compounds, sights, mechanical releases, carbon arrows etc. Nothing but long bows, perhaps a recurve.....
They now have enough reporting to close units and justify eliminating crossbows during archery seasons. I get that there's cheaters... probably why crossbow permits went up 1700%... yes 1700% in 3 years. Ed F
That stat tells the story right there....thanks Ed.

There was a story a few years ago- I think it was Utah- where the Governors tag holder was scared that the giant Bull elk many thought would be a world record would be killed out from under him.
[I can't remember the name they gave to that bull]

As I recall, that hunter went out and got a Crossbow permit to up his odds. Funny, what he was already doing wasn't enough;
He paid obscene amount of $$$$$$ for the tag
He had a whole crew working for him to nail that bull down....

And he had to cheat and get a cross gun.....

Abuse of the system is what forced AZGF's hand......and some will suffer from it.
Abuse of the system is what forced AZGF's hand......and some will suffer from it.
Abuse of the system? How could anyone abuse the system?

A doctor would never falsely say that someone has an injury/disability for a little extra cash under the table.
A doctor definitely wouldn't do it for a friend or family member.

That stat tells the story right there....thanks Ed.

There was a story a few years ago- I think it was Utah- where the Governors tag holder was scared that the giant Bull elk many thought would be a world record would be killed out from under him.
[I can't remember the name they gave to that bull]

As I recall, that hunter went out and got a Crossbow permit to up his odds. Funny, what he was already doing wasn't enough;
He paid obscene amount of $$$$$$ for the tag
He had a whole crew working for him to nail that bull down....

And he had to cheat and get a cross gun.....

Abuse of the system is what forced AZGF's hand......and some will suffer from it.
"Cross gun", there's a smug anti-crossbow term I haven't heard in years. Yes lets divide the archery community, divide and conquer. The anti-gunners were able to split off the shooters that enjoyed full-automatics back in the 1980's and the NRA just stood by while the rights to own those weapons was seriously impacted with new "rules". All the new rules did was freeze the manufacture of new guns and cause a phenomenal price increase. I am sure there is room for both types of equipment but unless you are shooting a traditional long bow I don't think you have a leg to stand on decrying the crossbow versus the compound loaded with accessories and gadgets.
"Cross gun", there's a smug anti-crossbow term I haven't heard in years. Yes lets divide the archery community, divide and conquer. The anti-gunners were able to split off the shooters that enjoyed full-automatics back in the 1980's and the NRA just stood by while the rights to own those weapons was seriously impacted with new "rules". All the new rules did was freeze the manufacture of new guns and cause a phenomenal price increase. I am sure there is room for both types of equipment but unless you are shooting a traditional long bow I don't think you have a leg to stand on decrying the crossbow versus the compound loaded with accessories and gadgets.
Oh, strawman fallacys. These are always fun.
"Cross gun", there's a smug anti-crossbow term I haven't heard in years. Yes lets divide the archery community, divide and conquer. The anti-gunners were able to split off the shooters that enjoyed full-automatics back in the 1980's and the NRA just stood by while the rights to own those weapons was seriously impacted with new "rules". All the new rules did was freeze the manufacture of new guns and cause a phenomenal price increase. I am sure there is room for both types of equipment but unless you are shooting a traditional long bow I don't think you have a leg to stand on decrying the crossbow versus the compound loaded with accessories and gadgets.
I suppose you support the new airbows during archery season as well? I mean those are like 600 FPS but have "bow" in the name and shoot an arrow.
"Cross gun", there's a smug anti-crossbow term I haven't heard in years. Yes lets divide the archery community, divide and conquer. The anti-gunners were able to split off the shooters that enjoyed full-automatics back in the 1980's and the NRA just stood by while the rights to own those weapons was seriously impacted with new "rules". All the new rules did was freeze the manufacture of new guns and cause a phenomenal price increase. I am sure there is room for both types of equipment but unless you are shooting a traditional long bow I don't think you have a leg to stand on decrying the crossbow versus the compound loaded with accessories and gadgets.
Are crossbows really part of the "archery community"?

Arizona is on a roll. We are trying to crawl back to some semblance of fair-chase hunting here. The genie is out of the bottle in some ways with the techno-compounds, though I think the argument presented that it is disingenuous to restrict crossbows but not modern compounds is completely fair. A 'reasonable' restriction would be no sights or mechanical release aids allowed with compounds, but the gadgeteers have so consumed the hunting world that that would be seen as draconian and will never gain any traction.

Most traditional challenges associated with archery have been eliminated via technology.
Perhaps you buy a permit and have it attached the the crossbow. look you aren’t going to police every little thing. My sense is the # of crossbow apps will drop 80-90% just requiring a physician note

Vets with disabilities go through the same process. we have to show a disability letter stating 100% rating. why not others?

So are you against folks with disabilities hunting on archery season?
If I get to the point where I can’t draw my bow I’ll rifle hunt. It’s just the way my world works, I wouldn’t accept being labeled as handicapped just so I could hunt with a crossbow during bow season.
If I get to the point where I can’t draw my bow I’ll rifle hunt. It’s just the way my world works, I wouldn’t accept being labeled as handicapped just so I could hunt with a crossbow during bow season.
Ever think that someone shoulder damage is so bad that they cannot shoot a rifle much less a bow.

Labeled? looks like you already are
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