It’s not just about the abuse. As it stands, you tell your doctor your shoulder hurts (even if 100% legit), he gives you a note, then you go to bass pro to get your cross bow 3 days before season. You get sighted in and you’re shooting 80+ yards, you don’t have to draw and hold on an animal, and you don’t have to work on form for angled shots.Abuse by a few predicates punishment for all? Should we punish every rifle hunter if a few break the law? That’s a pretty slippery slope.
So anyone that had a legit issue. Perhaps cannot shoot a mzl ldr die to that issue - is now SOL?It’s not just about the abuse. As it stands, you tell your doctor your shoulder hurts (even if 100% legit), he gives you a note, then you go to bass pro to get your cross bow 3 days before season get sighted in and you’re shooting 80+ yards, you don’t have to draw and hold on an animal, or have to work on form for angled shots.
As the OP said they can go during muzzleloader and HAM seasons, which are more appropriate to the weapon they using. Or they go to a mouthtab and still shoot a real bow with one good arm
It’s a privilege and not a right to use very limited resource, as the OTC changes in the last few years have shown. I have a wrist injury myself that limits my archery shooting and is slowly getting worse yet I’m not agitating for a handoutSo anyone that had a legit issue. Perhaps cannot shoot a mzl ldr die to that issue - is now SOL?
You guys really put a lot of restrictions and requirements in order to enjoy the sport.
hope you never get injured - might have to quit hunting under that kinda scrutiny.
The right to hunt is not a hand out. We allow accommodation for true disability including lack of capacity.It’s a privilege and not a right to use very limited resource, as the OTC changes in the last few years have shown. I have a wrist injury myself that limits my archery shooting and is slowly getting worse yet I’m not agitating for a handout
The G&F is saying that you can’t OTC hunt all the prime seasons (August, September, December and January) with a gun that shoots arrows. That’s not taking away your “right” to huntThe right to hunt is not a hand out. We allow accommodation for true disability including lack of capacity.
Take it from someone who has broken 27 bones and has most of his face held together with titanium twist ties. Pain comes in many ways and should not eliminate the right due to someone else’s bias
The G&F is saying that you can’t OTC hunt all the prime seasons (August, September, December and January) with a gun that shoots arrows. That’s not taking away your “right” to hunt
Disagree - we aren’t going to agree sowe aren’t going to agree. no worries. cheers!
If you think archery hunters and cross bow hunters are doing 100% reporting you’re fooling yourself.Fact... every single otc unit quota that is closed today would be open without crossbow kills. F&G did good with mandatory reporting. F&G also did good with recognizing that crossbow hunting is not archery hunting. Where F&G screwed up was allowing crossbows in the archery season in the first place. Problem fixed... next... Ed F
Anyone that can get a medical professional to check them off. We all know how often those things are already abused. A lot of us know someone who abuses this system. I wish I didn’t but I do. I also know a couple that truly can’t pull a bow at all due to injury. One can’t shoot a rifle from his dominant side. He’ll have to use his crossbow in legal seasons and or learn to shoot from his weak side.They aren’t just letting anyone go out and hunt with a crossbow are they?
I never said that. Before "mandatory reporting" they had very little data with optional reporting. They now have enough reporting to close units and justify eliminating crossbows during archery seasons. I get that there's cheaters... probably why crossbow permits went up 1700%... yes 1700% in 3 years. Ed FIf you think archery hunters and cross bow hunters are doing 100% reporting you’re fooling yourself.
The hundred yard argument is old. You and I both know archers who shoot 100 yards at deer and Elk every season. The new compounds are just as deadly in the right hands as a crossbow. I have used both, 40 plus years vertical bow and 1 season crossbow. Honestly nothing against crossbow hunters but it was like carrying a boat anchor around. Sitting in stand may be ok. I also have a Champ permit but don't crossbow hunt ,just was not my thing.Do you even hunt? Az has champ hunts for disabled...
Huge difference when crossbows can be cocked and locked and shoot 100+ yards accurately off a tripod.
Ding ding ding! Ed nailed it! Xbows aren't bows...F&G also did good with recognizing that crossbow hunting is not archery hunting. Where F&G screwed up was allowing crossbows in the archery season in the first place.
Im not anti that stance, but it would be terrible with that many people in the field at the same time. It would also surely lead to less tags if we allowed rifles during rut hunts on a general tag # basis.I think that everyone of any legal age and capability should have a chance to provide wild game meat for themselves or their family.
I don't think any of these folks should get "special treatment", I honestly don't even like the "youth specials" in any states.
There should be a general season for all hunters for archery, muzzle loader, cross bow, and rifle. Hunt whichever one works for you.
They would still need to properly stagger the hunts and base the tag allocation on actual herd sizes per unit.Im not anti that stance, but it would be terrible with that many people in the field at the same time. It would also surely lead to less tags if we allowed rifles during rut hunts on a general tag # basis.
Oh for sure!Our early rifle rut tags averaged 88% success or 200 out of 227 reported they killed. You know and I know, some did not even report.
They need to open up doe opportunities and more cow opportunities for folks who want to hunt every year.Late rifle for the same units produced a 36.6% success rate or 1176 elk killed out of 3214 tags. Again theses are merely educated guesses based on surveys returned.
I think we need the splits or the opportunity will be severely impacted. It's already hard enough to draw tags and would only become harder.
Fully agree.General tags indeed create more opportunity. However, they must be during the appropriate time of year ( non rut) or if during rut, be extremely limited.
I'd be okay with eliminating rut hunts honestly. From a rifle hunter standpoint, they offer good hunters next to zero advantage anyway if a guy or gal knows how to hunt.FWIW. Archery rut hunts for the same early rifle units averaged 51% success rates.
It's pretty clear that if hunting during the same time of year, rifle hunters would kill a bunch more animals than bowhunters. We could eliminate rut hunts and really piss everyone off.