Australian Rokslide members


Aug 17, 2024
I am interested in the number of Australian members that are here. Just a quick which state you're from, what is your preferred hunting and where and what are you most jealous of that our American cousins have easy access too / of.

I'll start
South Australia
Like fox shooting with a thermal at home and chasing pigs in Northern NSW and Central Qld.
Mostly jealous of that our cousins have access to suppressors and mail order ammo.

And not to leave out other non US members your contribution is also welcomed so please join in.
We live in SEQ. I prefer to hunt during the day on foot with either rifle or compound. All three of my young children hunt with me and night ops are a lot more difficult. I have been known to use thermal and spotlight as well as chase pigs with dogs and knife. We typically hunt state forest in NSW or private in both SEQ and central NSW for deer and pigs although we shoot whatever feral game we run into.

I spent 38 years living in and hunting Alberta so I’ve done all of that and shot nearly every animal available in North America. Because of that I’m not jealous of anything they’ve got. I wouldn’t trade the experience here for what I had there. I’m probably most irritated that QLD doesn’t allow us to hunt state forests. The lack of bag limits and seasons along with nearly zero rules here give me a lot more opportunity then hunting in Alberta ever did. I’m thankful for what we have and not to stressed about what we don’t.
We live in SEQ. I prefer to hunt during the day on foot with either rifle or compound. All three of my young children hunt with me and night ops are a lot more difficult. I have been known to use thermal and spotlight as well as chase pigs with dogs and knife. We typically hunt state forest in NSW or private in both SEQ and central NSW for deer and pigs although we shoot whatever feral game we run into.

I spent 38 years living in and hunting Alberta so I’ve done all of that and shot nearly every animal available in North America. Because of that I’m not jealous of anything they’ve got. I wouldn’t trade the experience here for what I had there. I’m probably most irritated that QLD doesn’t allow us to hunt state forests. The lack of bag limits and seasons along with nearly zero rules here give me a lot more opportunity then hunting in Alberta ever did. I’m thankful for what we have and not to stressed about what we don’t.
Thanks for the input Coiloil37. I spent sometime in my younger days in BC and thoroughly enjoyed the area and the people.
NSW, but I’m in Montana roughly half of every year.

Only bowhunt, unless culling is required.
AU - Mainly deer in all eastern states and foxes locally, with goats and pigs randomly. If it lines up when I’m there, I chase whatever I can get a tag for in USA and get to NZ every now and then for tahr, deer, ram, turkeys etc.

The only thing I’m jealous of is that I’m a nonresident for tags and even worse, a nonresident alien for AK. If I were stuck in AU, I’d also be jealous of how easy it is to get gear in store or shipped.
Aussie here as well. Predominantly a deer hunter, but definitely enjoy getting out to the range every other weekend.

I'm super jealous of the terrain in the US. I don't much like the Aus bush here, love hunting in pine whenever I can.
The only thing I’m jealous of is that I’m a nonresident for tags and even worse, a nonresident alien for AK. If I were stuck in AU, I’d also be jealous of how easy it is to get gear in store or shipped.
Thanks for that. From watching Yellowstone and living Washington State there is some very spectacular countryside there to roam around in.

Also looks like you could become our new "Local Grey Importer" with frequent trips to the US!!
Thanks for that. From watching Yellowstone and living Washington State there is some very spectacular countryside there to roam around in.

Also looks like you could become our new "Local Grey Importer" with frequent trips to the US!!
Yeah, “Dutton Ranch” is 5 minutes up the road from my place.

Wouldn’t be the first time…
Aussie here as well. Predominantly a deer hunter, but definitely enjoy getting out to the range every other weekend.

I'm super jealous of the terrain in the US. I don't much like the Aus bush here, love hunting in pine whenever I can.
I don't mind the old deer stalk but for us in SA they are classed as a feral species and can be taken under light or thermal anytime.
Thanks for sharing your experiences in Australia with us. What a very interesting thread! I've got a question - I've read about enormous populations of kangaroos and rabbits in various parts of Australia. Can you hunt them? If there is no season, what about in cases of depredation or property damage?
Thanks for sharing your experiences in Australia with us. What a very interesting thread! I've got a question - I've read about enormous populations of kangaroos and rabbits in various parts of Australia. Can you hunt them? If there is no season, what about in cases of depredation or property damage?
For me being a land owner with 900ha (which most would consider on the smaller side) and has a Conservation Park that has nearly 2500ha on my back boundary the roo's and deer do become a problem when feed is tight. Depending on which state you're in and what Land Management area dictates how the roo's can be controlled. I can apply for destruction tags for them and also engage a pro shooter that harvests them for meat. Other states have different rules but generally you will need permission or a permit of some sort for culling of Kangaroo's. A lot of the medium sized station and under, think like 250 sq km or 60,000ac now use exclusion fencing on their boundaries and clean up inside the fence usually from the air. You can find this in the Western Division of NSW and Central to Lower SW Qld.

As for the deer in my state they can be taken anytime without a permit or tag as they are classed are a feral species. It has been really dry here for the last 9 months and the deer are really causing some damage now. A friend has now shot roughly 1300 deer since January on his 2000ha with most being left where they fall. A gift from the English when they moved out here

Rabbits are about but not in large enough numbers now to cause financial damage. There are a couple of virus's that have been released in the last 20 years that has really controlled the population along with large scale baiting programs so you need to be careful if hunting them for meat or pet food. Also another gift from the English.

Have a Google for the Dog Fence and the Rabbit Proof fence as both of these stretched for hundreds of km's.
Thanks for the very informative reply! Your spread is over 2200 acres - that's quite a set up in Idaho! Sounds like Australia has some vast sparsely inhabited areas. What an interesting fact about the deer there! In Idaho, we get to shoot one a year.
Sounds like Australia has some vast sparsely inhabited areas.
Well it's nearly the size of the continental US with 25 million people and most of those are within a narrow strip on the east coast. The Northern Territory is almost exactly twice the area of Texas and has a population of about 240000 people.

........and yes, I still feel like there's too many people here.
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Oi don’t steal Cliffy from me he’s my delivery driver.
I’ve still got the KX 60 I bought from him in the shed.

I’m Aussie, live in the Yarra valley in Victoria. I chase sambar and fallow mainly.
I shoot foxes from my front door. 67 so far.

Head up into the high country like I am next weekend. Meat hunter first but if I have enough meat in the freezer I chase stags.

I’m only jealous of suppressors. Maybe Elk too I’d like to bugle one in and shoot it with the bow.
Oi don’t steal Cliffy from me he’s my delivery driver.
I’ve still got the KX 60 I bought from him in the shed.
No need to be jealous mate, I help plenty of guys on both sides of the pond.

I don’t know who you bought that KX60 from, but it wasn’t me. Marc just asked if I’d be able to help you and fit it in on the next trip to Phillip Island. I don’t even remember picking it up…too many concussions since then.
No need to be jealous mate, I help plenty of guys on both sides of the pond.

I don’t know who you bought that KX60 from, but it wasn’t me. Marc just asked if I’d be able to help you and fit it in on the next trip to Phillip Island. I don’t even remember picking it up…too many concussions since then.
Haha well maybe I’ve had those concussions too. Thinking it was yours 😂

I might need to come over and use you as a tour guide one day when I win tattslotto.

I’ve often wondered whether it’s cheaper to get scopes over there and bring them back.

The rokstok I’ve ordered sure has lots of extra cost involved.
I’m going to Licola next week, first hunt since I chased fallow in April.
Yeah an Aussie here.
Live in Victoria, hunt 90% with a bow.
Hunt deer, pigs, goats and small game mostly.
Mad keen duck shooter and really miss my gas operated semi-auto shotgun.
So super jealous about the semi automatics.
Critter wise, jealous about the Elk, Moose, Mountain Goats and White-Tail.
I spend a month in Australia every year visiting my son who's a dual citizen Aussie and American he's a Queenslander and quite quite proud of that. Go Brisbane Lions. I usually spend 10 days with him and his wife Aussie and then 10 days with a camper van on the wrong side of the road. Then 10 days back at Brisbane. Last 3 years Great Berrier Reef Lady Elliot, Great Ocean Road July this year Uluru, the Olgas and Kings Canyon, Next year?????

I love the country and especially the people truly some of the best you can find in the world. My only complaint is the shortage of large mammals to hunt. I can't get too excited about shooting a camel or water buffalo in the NT. Much respect to you Aussies on here you're a great country with great people thank you for the hospitality I always feel down under.