Arrow Saw Recommendations


Oct 6, 2022
I am building the shop to work on my own bow and am starting with arrow building tools. What arrow saws are in the magic triangle good performance, reliability and don't cost an arm & a leg? Is making a jig to use a dremel a bad idea?
I have a Weston 8000rpm with dust collecting attachment . Zero complaints. Have cut probably 15 dozen arrows. I think you can get them for $160 ish. I paid like $120 but that was 4 years ago.
I have a Weston. It works just fine, but if you're handy, you could do just as fine a job with a homemade jig and a Dremel or mini chop saw. Whatever you use to cut them, be sure to use a squaring tool on both ends of the shaft after cutting to length.
Another 8000k Weston here…bought it straight from Weston on sale last year…think it was @$140?
Any experience with the Carbon Express that's on sale for $130?

Also, would love to see pics of your dremel jig. I only really need cut arrows when I'm figuring out what length I want to shoot which hasn't been an issue til getting a recurve this year. Few of the shops I buy from will cut them and install inserts as part of their arrow price so I'm leaning towards just picking up a cheap dremel.
Compound miter saw with a masonry blade.
This is a great idea. A metal cutting blade should work fine as well. You could clamp down a piece of backing material to function as a zero clearance insert to prevent tear out on the back side. I have used a homemade jig a fair bit that holds an angle grinder with cut off wheel. It works just fine as well.
Been happy with my weston.

With any arrow cutting use a vacuum cleaner with a good particulate filter (hepa filter preferrably). That carbon dust is nasty
Think I seen where western has an 8k rpm saw on sale. I have one for about 15 years and it’s a good as the day I bought it
This is a great idea. A metal cutting blade should work fine as well. You could clamp down a piece of backing material to function as a zero clearance insert to prevent tear out on the back side. I have used a homemade jig a fair bit that holds an angle grinder with cut off wheel. It works just fine as well.
I think a metal fiber type blade would still wobble too much. I use a diamond edge blade from Harbor Fright.