I have lost several good bucks to shoulder shots and I’m trying to remedy this. My current setup is 62#. 27.5” draw length. 515 grain arrow with 15% FOC. I have some 125 grain helix (single bevel) but thinking of moving to iron will or QAD exodus. Do you have any recommendations? Do any of you have a similar setup that has broken through the heavier part of bucks leg (below the scapula)? Should I look at changing my setup. My momentum is about .059.
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First thing I will say is you can up your odds on penetration but it will never be 100%. But after reading the ashby reports and conducting my own testing on cow femur, elk humerus, and sika deer humerus (whitetail size bones) there are broadheads that tend to preform better than others not doubt. In regards to breaching bone I still thing a 3:1 MA single bevel is the best but then you will probably be getting into weights that you might not be comfortable with. I have great success in bone breaching with broadhead profile like Vandieman (bone 125 grain is roughly the same profile), RMS cutthroats, Ironwill. Now broadheads like the VPA 3 blade would tend to stop because the 3 blade head tends to act like a wedge vs breaking bone like the Ironwill four blade or a 2 blade single bevel. Granted I do not know what would have happened if this bone was under weight and the VPA struck it.
Keep in mind the testing I did was on static bone. The bone is not under weight so there is no animal applying weight that can help break the bone. There is not animal reaction which can hinder penetration, no hide, muscle etc which can dull the edge of the broadhead depending on materials ( and the list goes on).
What I personally would do is first buy yourself a field point test package from 100-200 grains (Ethics archery has them, I also think you can find various ones online) and screw them on the end of your arrow and shoot. This will allow you to see what is the heaviest arrow you are comfortable with in regards to trajectory. Because it won't matter at all if you are not comfortable with your set up. Then build your set up around that weight but before you build I highly recommend reading this. Keep in mind the first 6-7 factors.
Below are some pictures of the broadhead tests I did.
Bowtech SR6 Performance 30" 72lbs 610 grain arrow at 270 fps
Broadhead 125 grain Vandieman
Elk leg bone
20 yards
Elite Energy 35 30" 68lbs 635 grain arrow at about 235-240 fps
Broadhead 150 grain VPA
Elk Humerus
20 yards
Elite Energy 35 30" 68lbs 635 grain arrow at about 235-240 fps
Broadhead 150 grain Ironwill Solid
Elk Humerus
20 yards
Elite Energy 35 30" 68lbs 635 grain arrow at about 235-240 fps
Broadhead 150 grain Ironwill solid (top) 150 grain VPA (Bottom)
Elk Humerus same as the pcitures above just a better angle
20 yards
I think this was with my Elite Energy 32 with Elite Both limbs set at 30" and 75lbs.
This arrow was roughly 743 grains shooting at 243 fps (if i recall correctly)
125 grain Grizzlystik Massai
20 yards
Elite Energy 32 with Elite Both limbs set at 30" and 75lbs.
I think the arrow weight was roughly 630-640 grain leaving the bow around 260-265 fps
200 grain RMS Cutthroat (Second picture was after the same broadhead being shot into two different cow femurs)
20 yards
fresh cow femur

Elite Energy 32 with Elite Both limbs set at 30" and 75lbs.
I think the arrow weight was roughly 630-640 grain leaving the bow around 260-265 fps
200 grain GS Samurai (Bad edge chatter with broken tip)
20 yards
cow femur