Aron Snyder and Ryan Avery's North Idaho Bear Hunt

Haha Robby. Aron wont quit he will just make sure the shot hits its mark this next time. Nice hunter dig though. =-)

No, those are his words in the quotes. His text is kinda confusing as he haid he punched the clown but also says he missed high. So I'm assuming he missed then got another shot or just hit the bear high. He texted me on his sat phone and I texted right back to clarifiy but he either shut it off or didn't receive. I'm still waiting...
Maybe punch the clown is an expression similar to screwed the pooch....?

Either way good luck guys! Don't make fun of gimpy too much (Ryan), we all know how sensitive he is! ;)

Yeah I totally misread that one Rob. Thanks for clarification Ryan. I expect to see a Bear Photo from Aron. Get er done! =-)
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OK, I understand now. I've heard guys call bears "clowns" before so I just assumed "punch the clown" meant he punched a bear. HA, daaaa.
"Punch the clown" is used in an entirely different context where I'm from. I though these live hunts were getting to informative, I mean we don't need to know everything
Its Scary

You guys need this.

But on a more affordable and serious note what type of ballistics calculator are you using for these longer shots?

The guys who developed the tracking point system happen to have tested it at my local range. I was able to shoot it several times and it is downright scary. Of course, when they showed up they were the most popular guys at the range. I saw people with no training shooting bulls-eyes at 500 yards no problem. First you tag your target and the scope ranges, adjusts windage and elevation - even on a moving target - and doesn't fire until the scope returns to the exact place that you tagged. All the while streaming a video of exactly what the scope is seeing to an ipad or laptop for a spotter - wireless of course - and the video of the whole thing can be captured. So easy, even a caveman can do it. Problem is price - they want like 15K for it, which would be much better suited for military use rather than on Safaris but if ya got the dough its one crazy piece of equipment.

is it worse than PG rating to explain "punch the clown"? If so, send me a PM. I mean we got kids on these forums, but I'm dying of curiosity now
I have to admit I am an idiot. When you said "yote down" I didn't even see "yote" and assumed we were hunting bears here that a bear was down. So I went back through at the comments and I am on the same page as everyone else now. But can we stop using slang terms and say "Black Bear is shot and is down" when the time comes so I am not confused again....
I had no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I guess I look pretty stupid.
Funny stuff, though. Now I know why he missed.
I gotta filter all Aron's updates through that Urban Dictionary now.
I'm impressed with the commitment to keeping everyone througholy informed of all the activities and also glad Aron is enjoying his time in the woods, lol now we know why Aron's wife puts surprises in his pack for him
I had no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I guess I look pretty stupid.
Funny stuff, though. Now I know why he missed.
I gotta filter all Aron's updates through that Urban Dictionary now.

HAHAHAHA, that's the hardest I have laughed today................Thanks!
actionshooter, glad you'e enjoying yourself at my expense. Hope Aron shoots a bear soon so we can change the subject. My wife's having a great time with this one on me
I had no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I guess I look pretty stupid.
Funny stuff, though. Now I know why he missed.
I gotta filter all Aron's updates through that Urban Dictionary now.

Not quite as course as the urban dictionary has it. It is referencing the original meaning but in military slang it means to fire your load ineffectively . Failing to make your shot count. Also connotates a personal failing not to be blamed on anything but yourself if referencing yourself or the the person being referred to. So when Aron missdialed the elevation or windage and completely missed the bear he "punched the clown" . He is saying he fired his load off into the air and failed to make it count . It has a richer meaning than what the urban dictionary is quoting.