Arizona OTC Unit 22


May 12, 2012
My main questions are, will I find both mule deer and coues deer on the eastern side of the mazatzal wildneress west of highway 87 and for the first week of january should I expect a lot of hunters cruising these roads? Can trade info on a lot of nevada units also via PM.

Thank you
22 has plenty of deer, of both the coues and muley variety. A handful of areas have both. Numbers of hunters, at least in the area I hunt, have gone up in the last couple years. Best piece of advice I can give is to pick an access point that isn't a trailhead, unless you plan on hiking in a ways. There's decent pockets of deer closer to roads if you can find a less obvious spot to park.
Thank you fellas, that makes sense. Just was curious if I was walking into an army. Goal is to mainly try and stick the first legal animal.
You'll find both species, the Coues deer are general higher and mule deer in lower elevation. You'll certainly see other hunters but nothing to be discouraged about. Like hunting anywhere just be willing to hike off the road a bit. Tons of country, tons of opportunity.