Argentina dove hunting

Nov 12, 2023
Needville, Tx
Heading to Argentina in May and wanted to bring something down for the guides that will be hosting us. Typically, I like to bring something for the guides when I do a guided hunt but with this being my first out of country hunt I am not sure what to bring. In the past I have brought fishing shirts, ballcaps and knives. Asked around to some people that have been down there and everybody's general response is more tip money. Which i do plan on tipping :) I'm thinking a few Case knives and gameguard (texas camo pattern) shirts. As anybody carried swag down with them to Argentina?
I'm sorry to say but although I have no specific experience with Argentina [or even anyone ever having gone there], the only place of several international destinations where product took precedent over cash was Africa.

When in Africa, our group pooled items and turned it all over at once where the bickering/fighting began; it was impressive how they doled out the goods amongst themselves and argued for their position. Cash was appreciated but product was prime - mostly because they used it to barter for goods they actually needed.

A fishing trip to Mexico, it was cash. Especially for the senior guide; the younger guide accepted flies/gear but cash was their desire.

I have heard Cuba as being another location where product means something. Venezuela wanted cash and toilet paper [pre-covid even!]. Although they were enthralled with some baseball items because at the time there was a big time MLB player from Venezuela and they asked about team logo wear.

I'd say, cash unless you can think of some direct link to a sports team or someone of local fame that made it publicly to a big name team/venue/arena.
I'm sorry to say but although I have no specific experience with Argentina [or even anyone ever having gone there], the only place of several international destinations where product took precedent over cash was Africa.

When in Africa, our group pooled items and turned it all over at once where the bickering/fighting began; it was impressive how they doled out the goods amongst themselves and argued for their position. Cash was appreciated but product was prime - mostly because they used it to barter for goods they actually needed.

A fishing trip to Mexico, it was cash. Especially for the senior guide; the younger guide accepted flies/gear but cash was their desire.

I have heard Cuba as being another location where product means something. Venezuela wanted cash and toilet paper [pre-covid even!]. Although they were enthralled with some baseball items because at the time there was a big time MLB player from Venezuela and they asked about team logo wear.

I'd say, cash unless you can think of some direct link to a sports team or someone of local fame that made it publicly to a big name team/venue/arena.
I didn't even think about local sports gear. Might have to bring some Astro's stuff form Houston down with me.
I was in Argentina last year duck hunting. I did cash but ended up also giving my rain jacket to the guide. It rained a lot and most of the guides had carhart type coats that soaked up water. The few with rain gear were the envy of the other guides.
I didn't even think about bringing any rain gear. Adding that to the pack list!
I've been twice and am always amazed at how old the Argentinian's camo clothing is. I'd suggest bringing a few sets of clothing and leaving it with them. They will wear it. As for knives, the blades they use for butchering are the size of large steak knives. It's impressive.
My first trip was with a TV show to the la pampa region. Part of it (unbeknownst to me at the time) was to bring a shit load of clothes for area families etc as the outfitter was going to be more and more active. So in that case, clothes (I think) were welcomed as was $$$. Went to Patagonia a few years after and I honestly don’t think they would have gave 2 F’s about anything I would have left, besides money. They have all they need. Would they appreciate some swaros? Maybe. Do you they kill a large amount of animals without with? Yes. Maybe a knife that isn’t something you picked up at the airport or bass pro in the checkout line..but me personally would only leave something that I felt they would view as unique/special…just as I would.

As others have said, cash is king. Enjoy your trip, it’s a spectacular country. Pay attention to where/when you visit places in Buenos Airies, much like any large city, and you will have a great time
I’m going to be going down to Cordoba as well but in October. Trying to get my packing list put together as well.

I am planning on staying an extra day or two after the hunt to check out anything I can, does anyone know of anything about cordoba and things to do there or things an American should check out?

OP: looking forward to a recap when you get back! I want to know what your thoughts are and what I could expect this fall as well.
A guy at the gun shop I frequent just got back from a Argentina dove hunt, All he could say is, it's absolutely crazy, shoot until your arm drops off.
Aside from the obvious cash my guide really appreciated some nicer camo gear and hats I gave him.

Not sure about the operation you're going to but my experience down there has been that I have been assigned one guide for all of my days of hunting. therefore you're building a friendship with one guy, so no need to bring a bunch of stuff for different guides. Easier to bring a few nice things for one person. Just my experience, ymmv.
One of the best days I had was in the rain and we shot a lot of birds. Bring a good jacket. I also gave cash, a hat, and a nice pair of sunglasses as a tip.
Argentina was unbelievable. I won a DU raffle and went. I'd go again in a heart beat! I went with my dad, brother and uncle.

Doves EVERYWHERE! And we hunted the "off season in March." Bring a shoulder shooting pad and shooting gloves. I was perfectly fine with that, 20s are light on the shoulder, but def glad I had a shoulder pad and gloves. Never felt fatigued, but with out those two things I def would have!

As others have said, Cash is King.

Our Head guide told us (and we looked it up to confirm) that the average monthly wages for their area was what we had planned to tip. So I know they appreciated the $$.

However, during the hunt, our "field assistants" had plain Jane, regular $0.25 ear plugs, and they were fascinated with my and my uncles electronic ear muffs.

We even let 'em try them on during some of the shooting and we put our backup plugs in. The looks on their faces when they could talk to each other and then the muffs would shut off on the shot. They didn't have to holler at each other while in the blind.

We gave them our ear muffs in addition to our cash tips, and they were incredibly appreciative.

Now we fully paid our tip $$--and we had such a good time I tipped my guide even more than I budgeted. And I didn't expect to give up my muffs, so we both gave them muffs, and they were certainly appreciative.

Have an awesome time!