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That election was his to lose but he wouldn’t shut his damn mouth. He lost fair and square and he let the entire country down.
I agree with your first sentence, however I don't think he lost fair and square. There was rampenet fraud, but not strong enough proof to prove he should have won. The election will be forever stained and election reform should take place, but certainly won't. Trump helped lose the Senate too. We need to move on past Trump the citizen now and win elections in the future. I hope the Republicans distance themselves from him. The biggest problem with Trump is, it has always been about him.
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Shit show? What the hell did they do that was so bad? Go into the people's house of representation? I saw people walking around looking at what had been left and not even touch it! A couple of broken windows to get to where they were being prevented from? A couple of pictures taken in Nancy's office and Pence's chair?

If any of the 'protester's" from this summer had had the balls to get as far, they would have dumped 30 gallons of gas in that place and the world would be watching it burn. I saw a couple people arrested. I'm sure more will come out and I'm guessing there was some damage, but I didn't see widespread destruction by any means. I also didn't see any BLM protesters get shot... I'm not making excuses for her, but the hipocrisy is laughable.
Please baby Jesus lock this ridiculous thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]Why should it be locked? Nothing is getting out of hand. If you don't want to read it, don't click on it. Yea, you can argue that its a hunting forum, but general discussion says "anything not having an already designated area" or something similar. I think its a good thing to learn where others stand on these topics. I think it should be more apparent with ppl and businesses on where they stand on such issues this country is facing right now. Just like "buy american" I also certainly do not want to be spending my hard earned money and having it go to some company donating or standing behind things I do not agree with. Same goes with ppl in general.

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Nobody will know how much fraud took place without examination. I would think the goal should be zero voter fraud and zero voter interference; if things are allowed to be brushed under the rug, there will come a point where standards are just a shrug of the shoulders and integrity will be lost.

I personally want the proper "elect" to take the position, but I want it to happen in a manner without controversy or the possibility of being corrupt. In my eyes, it is very evident that the voting and counting process is flawed and the only way for that to get better is to examine what anyone has qualms with, figure out solutions, and implement them in a transparent manner.
It is very suspect to me that anyone in government is against an investigation of any election. I would think that every single person who believes in the foundational documents if this country want a proper election first and above all else. There is no reason to not want everything uncovered because the two results all lead to verifiable truth.
50-60 some odd lawsuits heard by many trump appointed judges wasn't enough for you?
Orange man bad, today was all his fault. All the blm/antifa riots were his fault also.

Once biden/harris take over peace will rule the land and the constitution will again be the law of the land, after they trim a little fat off of it.

Yes, everything is Trumps fault, even racism. Racism wasn’t a thing before Trump got elected.

But hey, now that he’s gone we have years of higher taxes and diminishing constitutional rights to look forward to.
It looks like Twitter kicked him where it really hurts. Maybe his head will explode after not being able to tweet for 12 hours.
yup, social media banned the POTUS, nothing to see here......just the typical bias to liberalism that swayed the election along with the fraud that caused bsmt joe to get more votes than any other human running for potus.

what a joke.
There might be a tiny difference between rioting/looting cuz you're pissed about a random issue like police discrimination or whatever vs rioting/taking over the nations capital and stopping Congress from electing a new president. Maybe just a tiny difference.
Yes sir. Reading pages of people comparing the BLM riots with today's events just reaffirms how very skewed a perspective many have. Those people today were trying to undermine our government - our democracy, very different from people trying to advance racial equality. Both were regrettable chapters in our nation's history, but only one approaches treason.
Yes sir. Reading pages of people comparing the BLM riots with today's events just reaffirms how very skewed a perspective many have. Those people today were trying to undermine our government - our democracy, very different from people trying to advance racial equality. Both were regrettable chapters in our nation's history, but only one approaches treason.

You mean treason for the liberal politicians who not only turned a blind eye to the rioting/looting, but in many cases enabled it? I agree. They should all be hanged.
the blm/antifa movement is at its core treasonous and has nothing to do with any kind of equality at all.

for al I know antifa/blm are the ones who stormed the capitol building.
I agree with your first sentence, however I don't think he lost fair and square. There was rampenet fraud, but not strong enough proof to prove he should have won.
I haven't even seen proof of rampant voter fraud, let alone proof of enough specific instances to suggest it would have turned the tides of the election.

It seems more to me Trump said there was massive voter fraud and a subset of his tribe decided it was true without question.

Some bought into that so deeply they stormed the capital.
50-60 some odd lawsuits heard by many trump appointed judges wasn't enough for you?

No, because they didn't solve any of the issues that came up. Those lawsuits shouldn't have been looked at from the stance of changing the outcome, they should have been used as the spring board to identify impurities, and correct them so that in future elections there is not angst.

Four years ago until two months ago, Dems screamed that Trump stole an election. Currently, Repubs are saying the same thing. Both instances the goal of any investigations or suits was to overturn, and sadly, do so by any means and any costs. In four years, although more than likely this will occur again in two, the same chants of a false election will repeat regardless of which party wins because nobody seems to care about the process.

I can't think of any other way to prevent election mayhem being the norm than to proactively address current concerns through discovery of why the are concerning, how they happened, what effect they had, how they can be prevented, and what can be put in place to transparently eliminate them. I don't know how to explain 100k vote dumps, or putting paper on windows to eliminate visibility. I think oodles more people who right now have Trump's back, would not, if the weird things that took place this election did not occur. The process should be so polished that it leaves no room for doubt, and that refinement is my hopeful result of any investigations and lawsuits.
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