Are these a good choice?


May 25, 2013
Tyler TX
My partner now have 2 points in Wyoming so we should draw a general tag. I know not to ask for specific information but after researching google, go hunt and game planner maps I have narrowed our choices to 3 units, 13,21,94. I would like for someone to validate or destroy my choices. We are rifle hunters, diy, we have all the equipment to car camp or spike out if necessary. I really need to narrow it down to one unit so we can order maps and talk to the biologists. Please pm me if you feel we shouldn't dicusss this on line. All you Wyoming guys feel free to give your input. This is a rifle hunt. Thanks.
13 and 21 are have good elk numbers, lots of access, but also lots of hunters. Depends on what you're willing to put up with. I have no knowledge of 94.
There was a big fire in 13 this summer and an even bigger one across the border in CO. Lots of beetle killed trees with blow downs in that area so it's only a matter of time before the next one.
Thanks for the responses guys. I realize these three units have lots of people but every general unit I have researched has the same issues. We have hunted Colorado for 3 years and surely any unit in Wyoming must have fewer hunter. Even archery in Colorado is a mob scene.