Was just courious on your alls thoughts.
Are the higher end knives hold an edge that much better than others?
I carry a Havalon and also a Gerber Exo Mod caper fixed blade with me hunting all the time.
The Gerber does most of the work all the time as far as field dressing and also skinning when I get back home.
It holds and edge pretty well for what it is.
Was just wondering if you all thought the higher end knives from like Argali, Montana etc are they really that much better of a knife than say a Gerber or a Buck?
Are the higher end knives hold an edge that much better than others?
I carry a Havalon and also a Gerber Exo Mod caper fixed blade with me hunting all the time.
The Gerber does most of the work all the time as far as field dressing and also skinning when I get back home.
It holds and edge pretty well for what it is.
Was just wondering if you all thought the higher end knives from like Argali, Montana etc are they really that much better of a knife than say a Gerber or a Buck?