Are manufacturers Bullet BC total BS?

Hornady publishes g1 and g7 BC based upon 3 different machs as measured by doppler radar. I'd give em a pass.

Applied ballistics revises BCs as well.

I'll look again. But when I looked up the bullet on there website I did not see 3 bc's
No links.
I found it later after wasting a box of ammo through a LRO article.
All I know is with Berger you type in what's on the box and it hits.
No waste no looking up other bc.
Not everyone is reading tons of articles on bc online.
Why didn't they out all 3 on the box.
I'm not as upset as it may seem in my response.
But it wasn't as clear to me.
And it wasn't as simple as Berger.
Did you zero from a bench or prone? Did you do all of this field shooting from a bench or prone? Your zero in one position is not your zero in another unless you have perfect form. A bad zero could definitely be your issue.
There is another issue which may be a factor here
not all scopes click exactly .1 mills
most ballistic apps can compensate fo this
Which is why the first thing you gotta do is shoot a plumb line at 100 yards and grab a tape measure.