I Just got back from an extended backcountry trip in Colorado. My wife and I started on October 1st after the Archery and Muzzy seasons had ended and I have to say I was very disappointed in what we saw from several campsites, most of which were almost certainly recently used hunting camps. We were picking up trash and cutting ropes and bale strings out of the trees from almost every large campsite we encountered. The worst campsite was 10 miles from the nearest Trailhead and had a bunch of trash with this lovely note (see photo) written on the side of a trash bag. "Friendly Hunters?" More like lazy slobs that make actual friendly hunters look bad. Don't worry though, we had pack animals so we carried it all out - and - cleaned up around the illegal fires they clearly had (there was a Statewide Fire Ban at the time they were there). Way to make hunters look like trashy backcountry idiots. Do us all a favor and stay home next fall.