My point is that it is not a far step from making a habit out of aiming at an elk as step one in determining legality, to aiming at a something to determine if it is an elk. The only way to make safety paramount and the priority is to make it an absolute. By aiming first, you are prioritizing the sight picture over safety and creating a habit of putting sights on first.I don't think we're going to agree. I applaud your commitment to safety and welcome a chance to review my own habits but I think we come at this particular situation from slightly different angles.
My point, which I admittedly didn't do a great job of articulating, was that even if this guy had done what we all agree is wrong, which was verify that this was or wasn't an elk over his rifle barrel, but still had taken the time to check for legal antlers, this would have never happened. It appears this individual was not concerned with the minimum point rule at all.
I also feel that there is a vast gulf between my wife and a bull elk that I'm 90%+ sure is legal quarry.
Regardless, as posted above, what a tragedy, and very avoidable. My heart goes out to the victims family.