Aram Von Benedikt

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As I read this thread I compared and contrasted it to the original BOAL debacle, the main problem with this and why it will run out of steam is there is an apparent conclusion of sorts to the story.
What would really give it legs is a Forest Fen esque search for the other buck. That could keep the story and memes going for months, maybe even years.
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is there is an apparent conclusion of sorts to the story.

What kind of monster are you!!??!! There's only a conclusion to this story if you believe in one - which is counter to keeping this story, thread and memes alive. The post-per-day count is going down and this needs to be fixed pronto.

It's way past time to manufacture some conspiracy theories about all the players, did they 'know' each other prior to the hunt, did certain hunting/GPS-app-that-everyone-'cept-me has on their phones sell GPS data from one party to the other, is there a generations-old family vendetta? It's easy and I expect some help here.
I’m all for crowd funding the expedition to uncover the truth. Times a wasting, as we sit here discussing it AVB is probably humping it back there to destroy to evidence. This just went from Forest Fenn to Indiana Jones. The real question is if somebody finds it will they give AVB a replica of it?
Happens all the time elk hunting in Colorado. Have heard a ton of stories of someone hitting and elk that runs off in to the trees only to hear another shot go off from a few hundred yds away then to find someone else cleaning the elk at the end of the track. I believe that CPW has ruled that whoever dealt the final blow has rights to the animal.
There has to be someone here that has a connection with Utah DOW. Have they made a public comment? Aram had basically said the other party did something illegal…Aram wasn’t wearing orange, blah blah blah…there has to be some conclusion to this? I check his brothers podcast, shocker, the newest release wasn’t about stolen boals.
It's not just Utah. Go caribou hunting on the haul road or the 40 mile shooting fest in August and December. Some classy dudes up there too.
The ut ards are social media influencers, breaking laws and such are doing it for money
the drunk Eskimo and residents on the haul are just that booze & chemical freaks that kill stuff so they have money to buy more booze
Guy is a DB imo
I have had 2 giant bucks taken away from me
1. A monster muley, we where in a hunting group in a Jeep wagon and the buck was running straight away and I put a 300 mag up his arse and rolled him , he was crawling off humped up , when my dad’s bosses son blasted one off in my ear , finishing the buck off , as I sat there holding my ear , looking at the buck I here the boss tell his son “ pat you just kill a hell of a deer “ I protested it and looked for help from group of men who were working for the company, they didnt say anything, and I got bullied by the boss ( to make it worse the kid put the head on the porch over night when they got home and some neighbors dogs drug it off , lost forever)

2. shot a large white tail and a older man on the trip a client shot a much younger smaller buck and at the end of the hunt the guy grabbed up my horn and left the camp when I was packing my bags back in camp away from the skinning pole

lots of bullie DB’s walking around some circles
I hope you were the "dog" in the first story.
Why is it always Utah guys? Not surprised.

Funny you say that. I know a lot of great people living in Utah but like everywhere it has its share of DBs.

Here is the guy that stole my brothers Utah muzzy elk 10 years back. Brother shot bull in the shoulder and he went down but got up and walked off. Bro was blood trailing and 3 guys caught up with him, passed him up and finished the bull.

Bro was by himself so 3 on 1 and no recourse. Dude, I hope you are on Rokslide and remember what a POS you are every time you look at those antlers.


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Funny you say that. I know a lot of great people living in Utah but like everywhere it has its share of DBs.

Here is the guy that stole my brothers Utah muzzy elk 10 years back. Brother shot bull in the shoulder and he went down but got up and walked off. Bro was blood trailing and 3 guys caught up with him, passed him up and finished the bull.

Bro was by himself so 3 on 1 and no recourse. Dude, I hope you are on Rokslide and remember what a POS you are every time you look at those antlers.


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How anyone could steal someone else's animal is beyond me. generally speaking I bet there's a lot more DB behavior beyond hunting with these guys.
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