AR/Gas Platform Easy Button For New Build?


May 9, 2020
I'm contemplating an AR build as it it really the missing piece to my gun portfolio. I'd also like it as a bit of a trainer platform to just burn some brass at 300 - 500 yards and practice exThat said, I know literally nothing about the various brands and build approaches to this space. Is there an easy button here? Is there a well priced complete rifle that offers attractive weight and high-level accuracy? For example, Seekins offers their DMR in a 6 ARC. That seems like an easy solution here but is upwards of 8 pounds and $2k. Any other competitive complete build options out there in the 22 ARC or 6 ARC? I'm leaning towards 22 ARC but that is a topic for a different thread.

I know people will say "build you own" but given my lack of familiarity with the space, I think it'd prefer to buy a complete package unless it really was materially cheaper to get to a similar level spec. Is there an easy botton here? Any reccomendations are welcome!

Also feel free to point me to an existing thread if this topic has already been hashed out.
Have a grendel thatll probly go 6arc once the ammo is burned up. That said I'd go 223 first.

What kinda high level of accuracy are you expecting from an AR?

This seems to be the only AR I grab anymore. Light,handy, an can still lob one across the canyon when needed. Just a PSA upper on some random parts.
Cognizant I should expect high-end bolt action accuracy, I'd still like to see sub MOA if possible. Or is that not even realistic?
Easy button is probably a Larue or JP but both are pretty expensive. I’ve got a Sgt of arms 6.5 grendel that shoots lights out. At the ranges you’re talking about a 556 would work just fine and would be very cheap for burning brass.
Bit of a hack. When I built my AR I researched and found Larue made great triggers and barrels. I stumbled on a 3 year old link to thier “accuracy package”. I could not find that package on their website but the link worked so I ordered it. I figured the order would fail, but it worked. They honored it. Barrel and trigger fit $299. Put that into a PSA AR and go have fun.
I'd say bite the bullet and build one. I think the 6arc is a good choice but if you're practicing only to 500 and cheap ammo is a requirement, I think a 223 fits the bill as well. Noth are capable on game.

There's a ton of info out there on how to build one. It's not hard at all and it's great to see how they go together for future troubleshooting.

I was in this boat a few years back, I've never really enjoyed ARs but I got bit by the SBR bug and built a 9" 300 blackout to suppress. There are some pieces you can go budget on and some that you shouldn't. Spend your money on a quality barrel, Trigger, and bolt group. If I were starting today I'd go with a proof barrel, a larue trigger, and a JP BCG for a 6arc build.

There are some of tricks when assembling the rifle that I believe help. I like to square the reciever face so the barrel fits square and use retaining compound on the barrel extension to ensure a good fit. Some uppers are more of a press fit where you can throw the barrel in the freezer and potentially heat up the reciever to get a super tight fit.

Im a believer in handgaurd systems that help free float the barrel as well. Typically the barrel nut is what the handgaurd bolts to. If you put pressure on the handgaurd with a bipod there's the potential for that torque to transmit to the barrel. There are some systems that have this point of connection machined into the upper so less stress is imparted on the barrel when the handgaurd is manipulated. The most popular is aero enhanced but seekins and others make this type of system.

I had priced out a build with a proof, seekins skelentonized receivers and all of the accoutrements. In the end there were some deals to be had on the Seekins DMR rifle which came in well under the build price. I still haven't pulled the trigger on a 6arc, i built a 6 creed bolt rifle instead.
I chased my tail trying to buy an AR upper that would shoot 5 under 1”. Very hard to do IMO. Bought a Larue upper and sold it. To finicky with ammo and only would shoot 1” one out if every 3 times. Ended up taking an old DPMS upper and put on a Wilson’s combat barrel and hand guard. Now I can shoot 5 in 1” much more consistently. Used a standard RRA lower and replaced the trigger with a TT. Replaced grip with extended backstrap rubber model that fills my hand better.

If I had to do it again I would just buy a Wilson Combat or Seekins and replace the trigger later. Should fit the budget and achieve what you want.
The biggest problem with building your own is almost always reliability - and there's a dozen or more places where that can get eaten away.

Building a reliable AR from parts is one challenge, but building a reliable one to genuine 1MOA accuracy, 10 round sub-MOA groups, etc, requires expensive parts, specialized tools, and more than a little specialized knowledge. It's a very safe bet that anyone on the internet telling you their homebrew AR is "MOA all day" is just full of $h*t. Just getting a barrel capable of that accuracy, with a bolt matched up for tight but not unreliable headspace, is a matter of work and/or luck.

Now, take all that difficulty, and try to keep the gun below 8 pounds? Double the difficulty.

Genuine, consistent 1MOA accuracy across multiple types of off-the-shelf ammo, completely reliable, under 8 pounds, and under $2k?

That's a really big ask, man.

Yes, it can be done - but a lot of things have to come together and align right. There's a point of diminishing returns right around the $1500/1.5MOA mark, where things just start exploding in price to get more accuracy, especially if you want to keep the gun light. If you want accurate, light, and reliable, your best bet is to buy it from a company that does it.

JP Rifles is an excellent option. Blackout Defense seems to be pretty solid, and they have a 6ARC option as well. IIRC, Blackout also has a $500 discount on their rifles this weekend. That would get you very close to $2k.

$1100. For a good upper. This gets you

Form had a good one he recommended on a MK12 clone I believe. If I recall the complete rifle was just over $2K but it had a 6 week lead time. I would search for that thread as it was good information.
Easy button for me would be a 1:7 18" barrel, rifle gas, rifle stock. I'd go FN barrel, Armalite or RR NM 2 stage trigger. JP adj GB. I would use a mil spec buffer. Free float hand guard. For a noob to ARs this would be the easiest to tune starter rifle. In 556. This (and a 20") are probably the easiest to tune and softest to shoot.

Surprised nobody has plugged White Oak Armament. If OP is seeking affordable precision accuracy, I’d buy a complete white oak upper and toss it on a complete Palmetto State Armory lower and call it a day.

Most WOA barrels print sub 1” groups pretty regularly. They have some 22 Nosler uppers but honestly OP stick with .223 given your parameters.

With the above setup I’d guess $1300-$1500 all in after tax, shipping, FFL transfer…
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For what it’s worth, We have 2 5.56 PSA uppers that are sub MOA with AAC 75gr SBBTs. Cheapest rifles you can build with some of the cheapest ammo you can buy. Go figure.

Pair this upper with a

Lower and you’re right at about $1k after tax, shipping, FFL transfer fees.

Can you brag to folks on the internet that you have a $3-4k JP or whatever “built” rifle? No. But this gun will perform just as well for 1/3 or 1/4 the price tag.
I won a standard S&W M&P15 a few years ago in a raffle. Swapped out the barrel for a Wilson SS 18”, free float handguard, Rise Armament $99 trigger and a Swampfox 1-10 lpvo. Love the gun, it’s not 8lbs but an absolute joy to shoot and prints little bitty groups with 77gr matchkings.
Ars are pretty easy to do with minimum tools, I build 4 lowers and 1 upper on my kitchen table. As with anything quality parts go a long way. I get sub moa out of my complete build(i built upper and lower) with a 18 inch barrel.

If its your first build i wouild do a 223/556 and learn from your mistakes.
A quality MK12 build would be my suggestion however there are some others out there that would fit the bill.
Rock River Arms tends to get overlooked (I have not shot some of their newer stuff) but the couple of older rifles I’ve had from them have been very accurate.
LaRue has been in a weird space lately imo and their accuracy wasn’t anything you couldn’t find at any other quality brand.
The premium brands (JP, Wilson combat, etc) are usually what you would expect for the price tag.
Be cautious of the “budget but great” guns. IME yes there are some guns that shoot great from those brands but there are also some that shoot like crap. Could this be true of any brand, absolutely. Just seems to be higher than other brands.

Whatever you choose, buy a bunch of ammo cause you will burn through it and have fun doing it.
Hard to beat JP rifles for accuracy, durability, and reliability. I would recommend checking out JP rifles before you buy anything else.

Also, code: RickyBobby24 will save you 10% on parts and 5% on complete rifles at JP Rifles.

Any questions about JP products, please let me know.