22 ARC versus 223


Dec 2, 2021
I am thinking the 22 ARC would be a good choice if I wanted to shoot the TMK and heavier -X and -M bullets. It seems you need a longer magazine or a faster twist than many 223 rifles have and Factory ammo using good bullets is very available. I thought about getting a 1-7 twist barrel for my Model Seven, lengthening the magazine and using it but then took a look at what was available for the 22 ARC, causing mixed thinking on the best route. Easy button is a bolt and barrel for an AR.
New mags too, right? It’s basically Grendel brass that requires the curved mags?

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New mags too, right? It’s basically Grendel brass that requires the curved mags?

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Well I already have a Grendel and a 6ARC so I have magazines. None are curved and the Elanders hold 17 rounds they do have a slight forward curve. Nothing like an AK47 magazine.
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