Ar 15 info for first time buyer.

Sep 1, 2014
Temporarily off the radar!
So fiance said she would get me an AR for christmas. Im looking at the smith and wesson Mp15 sport, the ruger ar556, and the dpms oracle. Favoring the first two just because of having other rugers and smiths that i love. Not sure on dpms! Anyone have any experience with any of these rifles? Pros and cons? Also are they high maintenance compared to say sks or ak? Any input would be great. Also i have an inside on purchasing so i can buy direct from wholesale and $20 transfer.
Not impressed with the couple of S&W M&P's I've seen. A lot of slop between the upper and lower. For a little more coin, Stag makes a much better package than the models you mentioned. Best bang for AR buck, IMO.
There is a lot of hype and false info out there. This isn't much of a forum for gas guns but I'll throw in my 2 cents. First, look at more guns! There are nearly infinite configurations available. Take a minute to really think through what you want, then go on the Web and find it. Make sure it's set up how you want it, or you'll spend 100s modifying it later. Check out palmetto state armory, they sell lots of quality stuff and their prices are great. As for maintenance, anyone that knocks the reliability of modern ARs is a moron. Keep it fairly clean and wet and it will run like crazy. I don't remember the last time I cleaned mine, hundreds of rounds ago. It gets run hot and dirty with no issues. Just get good magazines, that's where most problems will come from.
What are you wanting to do with the ar? Is it for plinking, hunting or just to say you have one? Do you want it to look like military issue, how close to military specs are you wanting on the parts? Would 55gr in bullets be what you spend your time shooting or do you want to utilize 77grain bullets and not have them tumbling? What is the price point you are trying to stay close to?
There are many really good ones out there. I have owned two. I had a Colt for a while in college. Sold it and back when Sandy Hook hit I bought an Oracle DPMS with a 16 inch Bull. I really like the DPMS, not saying there isnt better out there because there is but this is a very accurate rifle with Hornady Factory ammo. I does HATE those cheap rounds with steel casings which is all I could find back when I got this. Anything brass and it runs exceptionally smooth. The last time I was at the range with it 5 shoot groups where all under an inch. The trigger could be replaced though. Compared to my Savage anyway. Other than that I wont be upgrading anything other than optics. I might put a Burris XTR II on there, we shall see.
Core15 makes a good affordable one with a great warranty.

Also, there's only like 3 companies that make the main components that all manufactures use to build off of
Trying to stay in the 500-700 range. That being said i can get this at wholesale cost through a relatives store connection so should be able to cut $ by no paying mark up. Mostly just want to plink and maybe shoot some coyotes. Also just like the style and want one in the collection. Probably not gonna put 100's of thousands of rounds yearly but i like to buy quality reliable guns. Thanks for the input gives me more to chew on. Im favoring the ruger but defiantly open at this point.
My Smith M&P has been a great rifle thus far - especially considering the cost. The gun is pretty accurate (1.5" - 5 shot groups with a 0x red dot sight at 100 yards), has been totally reliable, and has a decent trigger out of the box.
Skip all of those mentioned above and buy a Daniel Defense. There are many good models, just be sure to get a 1-7" or 1-8" twist barrel. Only buy a mid-length or rifle length gas system, stay away from carbine length gas systems. This will be a much better gun than the Ruger, S&W and of course avoid DPMS like the PLAGUE. You can get one for around $1300 if you look and then you can save for a real nice one someday: LaRue Tactical, JP or Noveske.
I recently picked up a Palmetto State Freedeom AR for $500 and love it. I added $300 worth of gear right away... a 13" lightweight floating rail, back up sights, JP trigger springs, and a good brake. I love it. Its a blast with a red-dot at 5-25 yards with cheap ammo. Super reliable and feels just as tight as my buddies Daniel Defense.

After a couple months with this setup. I got a scope and an adustable rifle length stock. It shoots sub moa at 100 yards with Honrady 55gr VMAX & FMJ's all day.

Next will be a 6.5 grendel upper for late mule deer season :)

AR's are quite the rabbit hole.
So could someone tell me why mil spec is important or define what this means. Also if i have a lower i can buy multiple uppers in different rounds so i could have a plinker or a hunting gun? Sorry im not very knowledgeable on this i guess. I catch on quick and research near every peice you guys give me. Im actually considering a psa kit. How hard it this to put together and do i need to purchase additional items to make it a shootable firearm?
Mil spec can refer to the diameter of the buffer tube. There is a standard for mil spec and commercial. Mil spec can also mean a number of different specs on various parts including MPI on certain components, staking the gas key, etc.

I would stay away from builds for my first ar. Smith Is good mid grade. For the price I would spend just a bit more and get BCM. Very high quality with a good price point. Get a basic m4ish configuration. You can buy extra uppers and things as you like down the road.
An Accuwedge will take the upper/lower slop out of just about any AR...


Best $3 you'll ever spend!