i've written emails to Starline, Petersen, Lapua, and ADG; all 3 have indicated the same thing regarding 6.8W brass. Lapua said "probably never" - Starline and ADG both said "we'll see how the market reacts, we're having a hard time keeping up with demand for the calibers we do make" - Peterson said "it's come up in discussion but likely 2 years out." I've got the emails and can screen shot them if anyone cares to see the exact verbiage. A facebook group I'm in started a chain reaction of emails from members to these MFGR's and we all pretty much got the same form letters in response. That said, the nickle plated Browning and Win brass is pretty good and the Winchester brass isn't half bad if you cull it for out of tolerance pieces, deformed pieces, wrinkled necks, caved in necks, etc; I think 90% of the pieces are decent and I've gotten 6 firings on about 100 pieces so far (annealed after 3rd round, then after every firing since). Fierce also started making 6.8W semi-customs, Oregon Mountain Rifle Co (OMR), Carbon6, and Xcaliber all do 6.8 Western Barrels (or fast twist barrel blanks).