Anyone using 20ga for yotes?


Dec 3, 2012
I know a 12ga shooting 3.5” shells would be better for yotes but taking my 8 and 10 year old out and only have youth 20ga, I’ve called a few into 30 yards for them and they struggle finding them in the scope so thinking about having one sit with a rifle and the other with a shotgun

Tried some buckshot and really wasn’t impressed with the pattern I was getting, their guns pattern at tighter with a full choke and TSS turkey loads, tried improved modified and full with their guns.

Thinkt the TSS turkey loads would tip over a dog? Or anyone have other suggestions they’ve tried? Very limited on 20 ga buck shot option, all I’ve found is 000 buck

yotes sized target I’m only getting about 1-4 pellets hit it at 35 yards
This target is at 35 yards, first shot had 2 hit him the second put 3 in there or is this normal and I had my expectations too high? Haha
30 yards away, I fed a yote both barrels of 7.5's from my 1899 16ga SxS. My pup was about to be in a fight with it. She won. I know she didn't kill it, but when she drug it back to me I rewarded her as so.

The shot column on the 7.5s did a number on it.

I can't imagine anything bigger than 4's not being simply devastating.
Hevi-shot makes a goose load for 20 gauge (although its 3", which still bucks pretty good)...I would think that would do the trick on a 'yote.
Hevi-shot makes a goose load for 20 gauge (although its 3", which still bucks pretty good)...I would think that would do the trick on a 'yote.
Ended up getting them a semi auto for turkey hunting, those turkey loads where thumping them super hard in the pump. Semi was the plan for yotes too