Anyone solo backcountry hunting over the age of 60?

Better man than me. I've packed a young bull and three large cows out in three trips. But was so sore after the last one, I did 5 trips on the last cow. One trip with my gear and the backstraps and loose meat. And a quarter on each of the last four trips. Steep off trail downhill though but at least I didn't live on Advil for a week. That was last year when I was 69.

You're still doing good :D
I'm 53 and one of my elk hunting pards is 61, he's been running around the mountains for 45 years chasing these critters and I cannot keep up with him. Mountain stamina and drive of a marathon runner and zero BS. He is my constant inspiration and motivation to stay in shape and still try to improve my performance as I slide into my mid-50's. ...such as this week's PT on my shoulders...or upping my morning runs to 5 miles...or rolling out my back in between chiropractor visits and still whining like a child with every crack and pop from my various joints and bendy parts...sigh...
This thread is awesome. Keep it up men. You guys are definitely an inspiration. Not solo but my step dad is 76 and shot his biggest buck last hunting season.
Ohhhhh yeahhhhh ! Have my whole life and not stopping now. I don't use a GPS and usually no phone. No electronics. I'm a compass guy. I really enjoy just going for a walkabout out near our cabin. Just pick a direction n go cruising. Looking for moose antlers, chaga, buddy wants some clear birch bark with no phenixs for building canoes. Heck just go because it's great.
Don't carry a sidearm generally. And like going out to the cabin for months at a time. And feeling pretty darn blessed
In my 50s now and trying to decide on burning points on short 5 day hunts while I can get around or save until 65 in the hopes that I am still mobile enough and above ground to use them for retirement fun. Seize the day? or hunt otc and save points until I can do them justice with a couple weeks or so in the backwoods? interested in been there done that guy's perspective.
I love to hunt alone and hope to retire in 3 years and move to South Dakota so I can be closer to the Bear Tooths
I agree that you won't feel the same at 65 as 50s. However, it sounds like you plan to hunt any way.

I know a few people who were fine in 50s that were essentially immobile in their 60s.

It's a decision like when to retire. Not many people know if the retiring early decision is right, but they know when it was wrong.
65 now, was 63 in 2021 when I packed the bull in my Avatar out 1 1/4 miles to the pick up lake, solo. Headed back to AK this fall but taking the kid (he is a 36 year old Veterinarian) to teach him how to hunt moose. Going solo for AK moose again in 2024.
I hunt elk in the Lee Metcalf Wilderness, my stomping grounds, solo most of the time.

Here is the link to the recounting of my 2021 AK moose hunt:
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...Headed back to AK this fall but taking the kid (he is a 36 year old Veterinarian) to teach him how to hunt moose...
He is going to learn a lot from his dad on that trip...that's great you get to do it together.

My son will be with me this fall as well...he needs to work on his cow calls 🤣.
66 and still only hunt solo. I have carried and inreach since well before garmin bought them. It lets my wife know where I bed down at night. Not much drama in my hunts, I just keep putting one foot in front of another, I did have to limp off the mountain once with a boggered knee aboput 5 years ago.
I am just 60 and have hunted solo my entire life. I have no plans of stopping now. I am certainly more careful these days! The new satellite communicators are nice to have! I also carry 80mg aspirin in my bino harness for the imminent jammer that cant be too far off!
Not to be morbid or anything but in the event of a serious heart event out in the boonies, what are doctor's instructions regarding the aspirin? Do you put it under your tongue until it dissolves, or chew it, or?
Turning 64 this weekend. Mostly solo hunt. Stressful workouts with a knowledgeable trainer 4 days a week and other conditioning on my own. Motion is lotion for older bodies. Must stay functionaly active. Not perfect but, a clean and healthy diet. I absoulutely hate physical limits and will fight them to the bitter end. Sensible about doctor visits and maintenance of well worn parts. When hunting, I am more aware of where I put my feet and have slowed down when using my knife.
Turning 64 this weekend. Mostly solo hunt. Stressful workouts with a knowledgeable trainer 4 days a week and other conditioning on my own. Motion is lotion for older bodies. Must stay functionaly active. Not perfect but, a clean and healthy diet. I absoulutely hate physical limits and will fight them to the bitter end. Sensible about doctor visits and maintenance of well worn parts. When hunting, I am more aware of where I put my feet and have slowed down when using my knife.
I'll be 74 this September. It only gets worst.