Anyone sick?

I am on the NYDOH watch list, they told me to keep working till I show symptoms, I am at 5 and 6 days for two different postive exposures, since they are classified as not close contact... they cant afford to pull anyone that isnt either sick or waiting results..

We have three medics out till they recover or finish quarantine and three more out waiting results right now.
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Seasonal allergies in full swing. Every morning wake up congested and think to self well this is it, but never gets worse. Stay healthy everyone especially those on the front lines. Much respect for those folks dealing with it directly.
Based on the symptoms they are saying, I think I had it back in late January. I have never been sick like that before. I got tested for 6 different influenzas when I was sick and all came back negative. My work has ties to Asian and people travel back and forth all the time. My wife got the same thing right after me and she was sick for 2 weeks. Hoping they get the test worked out I can go in and they can test my antibodies to see if it was.
I believe you're the third person I've heard tell me this. It's really weird though you didn't hear about any deaths. I wonder if there's a way to go back and research it? One of our satellite locations has a manager back in February was out for 3 weeks with exactly the same symptoms. She almost had to go to ICU for the ventilator.

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My mom tested positive and made it through, it was assumed my dad had it as well (They didn’t test him). Besides the fever, coughing and 5ish rough days, everything is better now. Feeling quite lucky as my parents are nearing the age bracket where things are usually more negative than positive.
I am on the NYDOH watch list, they told me to keep working till I show symptoms, I am at 5 and 6 days for two different postive exposures, since they are classified as not close contact... they cant afford to pull anyone that isnt either sick or waiting results..

We have three medics out till they recover or finish quarantine and three more out waiting results right now.
Pulling for you, sir. And for the medics, nurses, EMTs, Drs, med techs... Our 28 yo granddaughter is symptomatic in Denver, sent her home without testing. Isolating in her apartment.
I was real sick early February. Fever, body aches for 4 days, bad bronchitis that lasted 2 weeks. No GI issues. Wife had it too, but not as bad. Kids were sick for about a day each.
I was sick real bad almost the entire month of January. Had serious sinus congestion followed by a lingering cough that I had for about two weeks. Never had so much snot come out of my head before. Tested negative for flu so I’m hoping I already had Corona and won’t have to deal with it in the future.
NOT sick here, nor do we know anyone who is. Our lifestyle and rural existence gives us a definite edge currently. Yesterday we did about 250 miles of recreational riding in the hills, generally avoiding all human contact. We packed our lunch and enjoyed it at a scenic location overlooking a river.

I returned from Hawaii on February 27th. Five days later I started have diarrhea, fever, headaches and body aches That lasted about five days. One of those days I had to be on the toilet every 30 minutes or so for 8 hours. I have never seen stuff like that come out of my body. Started yellow, then black, then vibrant dark green. I didn't eat for 30 hours.
Since then I have had a few more days of fevers and body aches. Now I have just been suffering from fatigue that just seem to not want to go away.
When I first got sick, I called my doctor, she didn't want to test because at that time those symptoms did exactly sound like Covid-19. Since then there is much more research that shows that Covid-19 will cause sever diarrhea in many people. Now at the hospital where my Doctor works they are only testing people who are admitted to the hospital.
So I have been sick for 20 days, definitely getting better and in no way seem like I am going to get worse. Did I have it, not sure. I have been staying at home for two weeks now. My archery is getting good. I have been getting out to shoot a few arrow every day.

Same thing here for about 4 weeks, first it was headache and sore throat, then by day 2-3 it was the worse stomach bug for about 24 hours then I started throwing up also and that lasted 2 days I probably lost 10 lbs. the tail end of that turned into fever chills and terrible leg cramps they were killing me. The worst of it lasted a week maybe a week and then it was just a head cold the pressure would come and go. The kids would have a fever for 3-4 days it went away for a couple then come back and lasted a few weeks my wife had a super dry cough and no voice for a couple weeks, it was for the month of February
Flu shot last November.
Late Fed I got tested positive for Infuenza A, but had all the symptoms that are currently a big risk.
Just getting over the dry cough now
Based on the symptoms they are saying, I think I had it back in late January. I have never been sick like that before. I got tested for 6 different influenzas when I was sick and all came back negative. My work has ties to Asian and people travel back and forth all the time. My wife got the same thing right after me and she was sick for 2 weeks. Hoping they get the test worked out I can go in and they can test my antibodies to see if it was.
Same thing here, hit my youngest son first , early December he’s 18 and I’ve never seen him down like that, then I was next about a week to 10 days later, first fever I’ve had in over 30 years, felt like a brick was stuck in my lungs , 3 rounds of antibiotics and a cough that lasted for nearly 6 weeks. Tested negative for flu.

Hit my wife around first of January, woman has the tuffest immune system on this earth, never goes to the doctor after getting sick and is over anything after 3 days but not this time, She got up on day 3 and said “I think I am about to die” I’m going to the doctor, tested negative for the flu, but was prescribed a medicine I have never heard of $150 for 2 pills and ironically her doctor said it “fights flu and different corona viruses if she has one” looking back now his phrase sounds spooky, she coughed for weeks afterwar.

Hit my oldest son about mid January he had all the same symptoms as we did but seemed to get over it a lot easier than the three of us did.............

I don’t know what it was but it wrecked my area and local hospital for a couple months and I am definately gonna take the antibody test when it comes out.
February 16th I got the usual cold stuff with a sore throat, congestion, coughing up green stuff, and then the dry cough for weeks. I still have the tight chest and the cough that comes and goes but nothing else. We all got the 24 hour bug that comes out both ends about a week into my cold stuff, but no one else has gotten my cold stuff. That's how I know it's definitely not this new virus thing, as contagious as they say it is.
Recently returned from a vacation in the Pacific. Today we are finally off self isolation , with luckily no symptoms of this virus. In Alberta we have been very fortunate not to have the numbers of cases the USA is encountering. Listen to the health care professionals, and be safe!!
I’m in Michigan about 20 miles north of Detroit. Like a lot of you I had fever sore throat and fatigue. I slept almost 3 full days only waking to take nighttime cold medicine. I cough all the time anyway from smoking but I didn’t hardly smoke during them days. By day 4 it was Tuesday and I went to work and for the rest of the week was just so tired. Wife got it shortly after me and her 21 yr old son. This was January. We went to the emergency room in December for my wife’s cast to get get fixed on her foot and the place was packed with sick people with upper respiratory infection and they told me it was like that since November. I don’t know if it was the corona? I hope it was because I don’t want to get sick again. This part of the state has been hit hard the local hospitals are full. Of course I still have to work because we do aerospace work for defense department. Hopefully it passes soon
I have severe allergies. Which means I suffer 365 days a year with sinus issues. So, its not strange to have drainage. Back in late November and all the way though December, I had something. Started with a fever. It came and went for 4 days. Then I ended up with head and chest congestion I can never recall the likes of. I coughed so much. My chest was tight and on fire. I had so many friends that had been diagnosed with pneumonia I was weary I had it. I kept going to the doc getting meds and never tested positive for the flu's. Just like they never did.

Anyways, I don't think I ever got fully over the head congestion. I always feel kinda hum drum this rime of year due to my allergies. I just never remember such head congestion. My ears will get built up pressure and feel like they are going to explode. I went to the doc last week and got some more meds. They said I wasn't a candidate and didn't test. I don't know man. If we haven't already had it here, its going to be bad when it gets here. People are stupid.

I had to make a food run yesterday evening. While in the store I figured me and the wife would grill a steak for dinner. I had my mask, my gloves, my wipes. Nobody else did except the cashiers. I give people their own liberties and just figured they didn't have the gear since dimwits cleared out all that stuff a month ago binge buying. Anyways, I get the essentials and go to the meat department. There are three young women there finger fondling every pack of steak. Picking them up, passing them back and forth, discussing which was going to be best. All three of them couldn't see evidently because they'd get the packs right up to their face looking the steaks over. I wanted to go full out WWE on them. Instead, I just went on and checked out and come home.

If those women represent the average attitude of people around here, NY state here we come.
We are fine but hearing from friends that their grown children have the virus and another friends brother (ER doc) is very seriously ill with it.
Like a lot of guys here I think I may have had it back in December/January. Weeks of dry cough, actually still wake up and cough in the morning. I dont remember ever having a cough last that long. Seems like I had a slight fever for a few days as well. I'd get home from work and nap pretty much every day, which is rare for me. My dad had the same thing as well as most of the guys in our office. Interesting to see if we could go back and see if there were any stats of people dying then and it being classified as a flu death or something else. Hoping thats what it was and we have the antibodies already! Be safe out there.
NOT sick here, nor do we know anyone who is. Our lifestyle and rural existence gives us a definite edge currently. Yesterday we did about 250 miles of recreational riding in the hills, generally avoiding all human contact. We packed our lunch and enjoyed it at a scenic location overlooking a river.

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A great way to break the monotony Kevin. I wish I could do something similar but it's -24F this morning
and snow in my yard is up to my chest. Not going to be good for moose and caribou.
BUT......none of us are sick so we'll tough it out.