Anyone sick?

A great way to break the monotony Kevin. I wish I could do something similar but it's -24F this morning
and snow in my yard is up to my chest. Not going to be good for moose and caribou.
BUT......none of us are sick so we'll tough it out.

Wow Vern....below zero temps are definitely not my thing as April looms. Neither is chest-deep snow. At least you have a GOOD reason to stay indoors. No bingo for a while, lol.

71 degrees here currently (noon).
For those that were sick in January and February. Which flu test were you administered? How long did it take for the results? Was it same office visit?
I reported on page one of this thread that my cousin was on a ventilator. He died last week after six weeks in the hospital, 5 on a ventilator. Just heard today that another cousin has been hospitalized with Covid. Living 500 miles apart, it's just a cruel coincidence.
My BIL was exposed as a nurse. He was tested and it came back negative. He had his normal spring allergy runny nose for several weeks at that point. One week after the first test his coworker had some symptoms and tested positive so he was tested again and this time it came back positive.

He self quarantined in his house with my sister and their 3 little kids. He said it was like the flue for a few day but he never had much of a fever, just aches and a headache. He did lose his sense of smell. He is now cleared to work again.

They think he had it for at least a week before he tested positive, maybe even as far back as the first test being a false negative. My sister and the kids have not had any symptoms.
I reported on page one of this thread that my cousin was on a ventilator. He died last week after six weeks in the hospital, 5 on a ventilator. Just heard today that another cousin has been hospitalized with Covid. Living 500 miles apart, it's just a cruel coincidence.
So very sorry Man. For those of us still in the Worry....too much to ask if there were underlying conditions or severely overweight? I am pretty spun up over it.
I reported on page one of this thread that my cousin was on a ventilator. He died last week after six weeks in the hospital, 5 on a ventilator. Just heard today that another cousin has been hospitalized with Covid. Living 500 miles apart, it's just a cruel coincidence.

Damn, I’m really sorry to hear that Mike. I feel bad for anybody that needs to be intubated and on a ventilator for an extended period of time, but 5 weeks has got to be absolutely horrible. Wishing you well man, take care.

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Thanks, Guys. Very much appreciate it.

Jesse, yes, my cousin who passed away was my age (58), but he had severe diabetes. We knew he was in bad shape going in. My other cousin is in decent shape, so we have high hopes for his recovery. Regarding the ventilator, they keep you very heavily drugged up in order to relax your muscles and allow the machine to do the breathing. So I think once he was on the ventilator he was pretty much out of it, at least I hope so. Worst feeling in the world is feeling like you can't breathe, which makes this disease not only deadly but really uncomfortable way to go.
chalk me up as another that thinks they may have had it in January. Had the flu and bad colds before but nothing like this. At the time I just kind of figured it was age catching up and everything like this getting worse but the more I hear about commonalities Im suspicious I may have caught it. Good shape.... run daily, lift weights most mornings but whatever I had put me down for a while..... I don't miss work for hardly anything but had to take a while off for that.
chalk me up as another that thinks they may have had it in January. Had the flu and bad colds before but nothing like this. At the time I just kind of figured it was age catching up and everything like this getting worse but the more I hear about commonalities Im suspicious I may have caught it. Good shape.... run daily, lift weights most mornings but whatever I had put me down for a while..... I don't miss work for hardly anything but had to take a while off for that.

Finally starting to hear reports on the news people admitting they believe it was here as early as December. (I think most of us already kind of figured that). My sister in law is 99% sure she had it in Jan. 2 weeks of not being able to really walk around her apartment...cough, fever etc. My Cousin thinks it ripped through his work early Dec. Almost half of his coworkers were sick December through to Jan with all the same symptoms some worse than others.
I had all the symptoms back in January. I called the doc last week and got tested. The test they had was for both the antibodies and Covid.

If you think you had it call your doc. I think many are sitting on tests with nobody to give them to and the more antibody test taken the quicker we can get this figured out. The clinic I go to has been only doing one or two tests a day and didn’t seem too worried that they would run out. I asked since I didn’t want to take a test that could have been used on someone who’s showing symptoms but I was assured that wasn’t an issue.

Like many here I think this has been around a while and it would be nice to prove that.
Just want you know. We’re lifting you & your family up to Almighty. For the lose of your cousin.
Prayers to recovery for your sick cousin.
God Bless 🙏
Mike, I'm sorry to hear about both of your cousins; hopefully, the second one pulls through.

Fortunately, my wife and I are still both well as are the rest of our extended families; however, I just found out that my uncle who resides in an assisted living facility becasue of a stroke he suffered many years ago is infected. He has several other medical issues as well, but, so far, we're told that he's doing okay.

I was sick for a couple of days right at the end of February, beginning of March, but can't say one way or the other what it was as it didn't seem like anything extrordinary given the descriptions they were providing at the time, but it was still enough to keep me mostly in bed, which takes a lot.
My family and I were really sick in early
March. My wife and I both work in hospitals She’s a RN and I’m a boiler mechanic. She’s on the front lines with seeing daily covid patients. Anyway my 4 yr old was sick on and off for a month He had the flu Twice only tested once then His fever came back worse which turned into mytosis and another upper viral infection then into pneumonia. Then my wife got it dr said the “flu” but never tested I got it and was out for 8 days the worst sickness I’ve had I got tested and said it was influenza A. It was a tough month for my family and I. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
I was insanely sick towards the end of March. It was negative for the flu and had many of the symptoms for COVID. Who knows what it was, but it sucked. I do travel for work as well.
I reported on page one of this thread that my cousin was on a ventilator. He died last week after six weeks in the hospital, 5 on a ventilator. Just heard today that another cousin has been hospitalized with Covid. Living 500 miles apart, it's just a cruel coincidence.
My condolences Mike. It gets real when you know those effected.