Anyone seen anything like this? Biologist was surprised.


Jul 18, 2014
My son killed his first buck today, and immediately upon walking up to it we noticed a growth hanging off him. Upon further inspection we discovered it is attached to the end of his penis. Otherwise the buck appeared healthy, no smell, plenty of fat, organs were unremarkable. Still, quite the unsightly surprise.

We ran through a check station to see the biologist and he hadn’t seen anything like it before. He took some pics to send to the other Bio’s to get their take. Either way, pretty interesting.

Never seen anything like that. Would be interesting to see what it is. Congrats to the hunter.
Last summer we had a MD buck with something like that dangling from his neck in our yard.

The other deer didn’t seem to tease him about it too much. They’re much kinder than people.
Deer can get viral papillomas from biting midges (also EHD/Blue Tongue) but those papillomas usually fall off by fall/winter.
I suspect that he may have a different type of papilloma. We got a buck on camera the end of September that had a large tumor like mass on his abdomen. Unable to determine exact location as he wasn't that too close to the camera. Haven't seen him show up on any other cameras to check status since then. I'd be interested in getting a close up look at him. He was a good deer from the area.

I suspect the above deer has some sort of papilloma.
I’ve seen a giant growth on a knee. It also caused the antlers one be opposite side to grow in a strange way.

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